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RESOLUTION NO. 12 <br />SERIES 1998 <br /> <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING <br />A FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT AND <br />FINAL PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />FOR THE PARK AT CTC <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Louisville City Council by O'Connor <br />Development, a Final Subdivision Plat and an overall Final PUD Development Plan for the Park <br />at CTC; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, all materials related to the Final Subdivision Plat and Final PUD <br />Development Plan have been reviewed by City Staff and the Planning Commission and found, <br />with conditions, to be in compliance with the Louisville zoning ordinances, subdivision <br />regulations, and related policies; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, after a properly advertised public hearing concerning said Final Subdivision <br />Plat and Final PUD Development Plan, the Planning Commission recommended conditional <br />approval to the City Council; and <br /> ~., <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council finds that said Final Subdivision Plat, and PUD <br />Development Plan should be approved subject to the following conditions: <br /> <br />The Final Subdivision Plat shall be modified to include a dedication note for the Cherry <br />Street right-of-way as required b~ Section 2.1 of the standard subdivision agreement. Such <br />conveyances shall be free and clear of liens, taxes and encumbrances and shall be <br />conveyed by Special Warranty Deed in a form acceptable to the City. An ALTA title policy <br />for the subject parcel shall also be provided by the subdivider. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />The applicant shall provide written approval from authorized irrigation ditch owner <br />representatives for the proposed irrigation ditch easement and outfall. As a result of the <br />ditch easement, the minimum required front setback for all lots fronting onto Cherry Street <br />shall be increased to a minimum of 60feet. A note to that effect shall be added to the <br />PUD. <br /> <br />The subdivider must ful. fill its respective open space dedication obligation, as required by <br />annexation agreements for both the Mizel and Ward Annexations as well as the Subdivision <br />Agreement for the Colorado Tech. Center, Filing No. 1. The outstanding land dedication <br />shall be met by a cash payment in lieu of land dedication at the time of plat recordation. <br />A certified land appraisal shall be provided at the expense of the subdivider as a basis of <br />determining current fair market value of the land. <br /> <br /> <br />