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<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 1513 <br /> SERIES 2007 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TITLES 16 AND 17 OF THE <br />LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF <br />PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION ]>LA TS AND PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLANS <br />WHEREAS, the City of Louisville is a Colorado home rule municipal corporation duly <br />organized and existing under laws of the State of Colorado and the City Charter; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to such home rule authority and state law, including but not limited <br />to c.R.S. SS 24-67-101 et seq., 29-20-101 et seq., 31-23-201 et seq. and 31-23-301 et ~ the City <br />is empowered to adopt procedures and standards pertaining to subdivisions and plmmed unit <br />developments (PUDs); and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amended certain sections of titles 16 and 17 of the <br />Louisville Municipal Code to revise the procedures for City Council review of preliminary <br />subdivision plats and preliminary development plans; and <br />WHEREAS, the Louisville Plmming Commission, after notice by publication and a public <br />hearing, has recommended the City Council approve the amendments to the Louisville Municipal <br />Code set forth in this ordinance; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has provided notice of a public hearing on said ordinance by <br />publication as provided by law and held a public hearing as provided in said notice. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO: <br />Section 1. Section 16.12.030 of the Louisville Municipal Code is amended to read as <br />follows (words added are underlined; words deleted are stricken through): <br />Sec. 16.12.030. Preliminary plat-Processing. <br />A. A minimum of 25J6 copies of the preliminary plat, or as required by the city, and <br />required supplemental material shall be presented by the subdivider to the city clerk at least 45:3{) <br />days prior to a regular planning commission meeting. If the plat is in an acceptable condition <br />according to the regulations of this title, the planning department city administrator or the city <br />administrator's designee shall furnish the appropriate agencies with copies for their review and <br />comments. <br />B. The agencies shall have :a minimum of 15H days from the date they receive a copy of <br />the plat to review and return comments on the plat to the planning department city administrator's <br /> unless the referral allows a greater number of days to return comments or an extension of <br />time is granted by the city manager administrator or the city manager's administrator's designee. <br /> 1 <br />