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Ordinance 2007-1513
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2007 Ordinances
Ordinance 2007-1513
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3/12/2021 10:56:41 AM
Creation date
4/20/2007 12:21:56 PM
City Council Records
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ORD 2007-1513
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<br />All comments relative to the above-referenced plat shall be returned at that time. <br />C. Prior to submission of the preliminary plat to the planning commission, the <br />subdivider shall present the preliminary plat to the city council for informal revie'vy at a regular <br />meeting of the city council. This informal revievI is to provide the opportunity for information <br />exchange and dialogue between the city council and the subdivider concerning city development <br />goals and objectives. No action shall be taken by the city council on the preliminary plat as part <br />of this informal review other than to transmit the preliminary plat to the planning commission, <br />nor shall the city council be bound by any discussion or comments during the informal re'liew. <br />The preliminary plat shall be submitted to the planning commission and a public hearing shall be <br />held on such plat. Notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be sent as required by <br />the statutes of the state. Additionally, notice of the public hearing shall be published in a <br />newspaper of general circulation within the city at least fifteenHve days prior to such hearing. <br />D. \Vithin 30 days f following the submission of the plat to the plmming commission <br />and the completion of the planning commission public hearing, the planning commission shall <br />approve, disapprove, or approve the preliminary plat with conditions modifications. For <br />preliminary plats subiect to subsection G, below, the planning commission shall make a <br />recommendation to the city council to approve, disapprove, or approve the preliminary plat with <br />conditions. Failure to act on the preliminary plat within 30 days shall constitute approval unless <br />the subdivider consents to an extension of such period. <br />E. Approval of the preliminary plat shall be valid for one year. A one-year extension of <br />approval time may be applied for in writing to the planning commission. <br />F. All or any portion of an approved preliminary plat may be submitted for final plat <br />purposes. In the case of partial submission, the approval of the remaining portion of the <br />preliminary plat shall automatically gain an extension of one year before another phase of the plat <br />must be submitted in final form. <br />G. 'Within 15 days after a preliminary plat is disapproved, or approved with <br />modifications, the subdivider may requcst in writing a review before the planning commission or <br />may appeal such decision to the city council. <br />H. Within 15 days after a preliminary plat is approved or approved '.vith modifications, <br />the city council may call up the preliminary plat for its re'/ie'.v. In thc event of such call up or if a <br />subdi'/ider appeals a decision of the planning commission pursuant to subsection G of this <br />section There shall be submitted to the city council for review any preliminary plat that proposes <br />development of any multifamily dwellings, any special review use, or more than six single- <br />family dwelling units, or that reqw~sts any modification of any requirements applicable to the <br />underlying zoning district or districts in which the property is located as set forth in titles 16 and <br />17 of this code, or that requests any relief from applicable provisions of the Commercial <br />Development Design Standards and Guidelines or the Industrial Development Design Standards <br />and Guidelines. City council review of the preliminary plat shall be subiect to the following: <br />1. The city council shall consider the preliminary plat at a public hearing held during <br /> 2 <br />
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