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<br />Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />DATE <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />3) Will there be any tree planting along the strip between the development <br />and the open space? Answer by Scott Robson: Developer has been <br />contacted and it is agreed that trees should be planted. Land may be <br />categorized in 'visitor use' category. <br /> <br />Doug Winberg provided the following comments regarding the Coal Creek trail: <br />1) There are trash and litter issues along US 36/Coal Creek on both sides of <br />36. Some of the waste has Medtronic identifiers. Discussion: David <br />suggested stronger action than what was taken last time vs. spending <br />funding on picking up commercial trash. Scott emphasized that Code <br />Enforcement is taking this issue seriously and Bill Martin has recently <br />met with a representative from the Medtronic building management and <br />is working on a long term plan with them. <br /> <br />Question about reseeding Warembourg open space. 21 acre park, currently <br />tilled up. (Daughenbaugh open space) Scott: Contracted for native seeding <br />project - native grasses, rabbit brush, etc. <br /> <br />Public Comments - On Agenda <br /> <br />Mission Greens Tennis Court: <br />Initially constructed as homeowner association. Greenway has since been given <br />over to the City. Tennis court was not constructed properly, oriented improperly. <br />Funds to demolish the court have been approved for this year in City budget. <br />Letter was sent out to neighborhood to comment. Emails that were received <br />were approximately SO/50 for and against removal of the court. 15 people from <br />the neighborhood attended the OSAB meeting to voice opinions regarding the <br />future of the tennis court. <br />1) Terri - 23 yr. resident of neighborhood. Family and community <br />attachment. Feels City neglect is responsible for current state. Strongly <br />pro-court <br />2) Jacob Scheffield - 203 Lois Drive - utilizes court multiple times per <br />month. Next court is 30 minute walk. Pro-court <br />3) C.J. Buss - 169 W. Sycamore Lane: 12 year resident - family ties to <br />court, pro-court. Concerned about prairie dog access if the court were to <br />be removed. <br />4) Beth Armbruster: pro-court, weekly user of court. Fallback for people <br />who don't want to wait for other courts. Advocate for other recreational <br />replacement if the tennis court is removed. <br />5) Chris and Leslie Meyer, 112 S. Carter Ct. - 2 year resident. Eyesore, not <br />in appropriate condition for playing tennis. Proponent of court removal <br />but keep a useable open field or equipment for neighborhood children. <br />6) Karen Greep - Would like to see the court stay if it is properly <br />maintained. Current condition is not acceptable. If court removed she <br />suggested making a play area, many kids in neighborhood. <br />