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Sally said she will follow up and find out who owns that gate and for what purpose. There is a place for a <br />playground outside of the laundry room. We have playground equipment in some of our other properties. It's <br />approximately a 10 x 20 foot area and is a great place for a pocket playground. <br />Chuck said he thinks it is eligible for coverage under the umbrella insurance. He will bring samples of <br />information for the next board meeting and share them electronically. We can look and see if we have budget <br />authority in the 2012 budget. We can look at GOCO to see if there is a matching grant for reduced cost. <br />Discussion of Agenda Items for next 2011 LHA board meeting: August 20, 2011 at Lydia Morgan <br />Apartments. <br />Portfolio Analysis <br />Audit <br />Refinancing <br />Playground equipment for Sunnyside. <br />Fire lane gate and whether it needs to be open, locked and is it a fire issue? Sally will look into who owns it and <br />the purpose of the gate. Chuck will get some estimates with regards to the playground as he thinks it falls under <br />the umbrella of insurance coverage. Sherri asked if maybe the project can be grant funded. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:49 a.m. <br />It is the policy of the Boulder County Housing Authority to make programs, meetings, activities and services accessible to individuals with <br />disabilities. In order to provide special services such as interpreters or provide special materials in special formats such as large print, Braille, or <br />computer disks the county needs to be informed of the individual's special needs. If you need special assistance contact Julia Yager, ADA <br />Coordinator, or "the Human Resources Division ar303 441 3508 at least 48 hours tiefore=the scheduled even t. <br />La polftica de BCHA es hacer que los programas, juntas, actividades y servicios sean accesibles para gente discapacitada. Para poder ofrecer <br />servicios especiales como interpretes o material en algtin formato especial, como impresi6nes mas grandes, Braille, o disco de computadora, el <br />condado requiere que le informen de las necesidades especiales de cada individuo. Si ud. requiere atencibn especial, por favor comunfquese con <br />Julia Yager, coordinadora del ADA o a la oficina de Recursos Humanos al 303-441-3508 cuando menos 48 horas antes del evento. <br />