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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Agenda <br />DATE <br />Page 2of 3 <br />Nov. 15 –Council will review the proposed changes to the Mayhoffer 15 <br />Management Plan. <br />Staff is interested in improving benches on Open Space by removing <br />vegetation below the bench and adding trail material. This would <br />eliminate the need for mowing and string trimming around and underneath <br />the benches. <br />A DU student will be assisting in developing a management plan for Hecla <br />Lake. <br />Boy Scouts are building bat boxes. <br />Council has determined that the underpass between Harper Lake and <br />Davidson Mesa (crossing at McCaslin and Washington) should be moved <br />up in the budget. <br />The plan is that it will be designed in 2012 and constructed in 2013. <br />o <br />Roughly 50% of the underpass may be paid for from the <br />o <br />Conservation Trust and Land Acquisition Fund. <br />VI. Board Updates <br />Justin attended the meeting at Fire Station No. 1. He reported that there <br />was some discussion about open space management, and in particular, in <br />doing controlled burns on open space. <br />At this point, there are no specific plans. <br />o <br />Ember stated that she would like to work with the fire department in <br />o <br />the future on fire issues. A good first step would be to make sure <br />all access gates are operating properly. <br />Controlled burns can be an effective weed control method, if done <br />o <br />under very specific conditions. <br />OSAB is interested in cooperating with the fire department on this <br />o <br />issue, but the Board would like to know more concrete information <br />before making any decisions. <br />Boulder County is putting out a fire mitigation policy for our region, <br />o <br />which has a prairie lands component. <br />Alison suggested that all OSAB members should reach out to their <br />Facebook Friends who are fellow Louisvillians to encourage them to join <br />the Friends of Louisville Open Space page. <br />VII. Discussion: Volunteer Opportunities <br />What types of volunteer opportunities do we currently have? What types <br />of opportunities could we develop? <br />The new Open Space Specialist has been tasked with improving and <br />cultivating furthervolunteer opportunities. <br />Brainstorming of future volunteer opportunities: <br />Trail Docents (Open Space Hosts) –environmental focus, perhaps <br />o <br />through an online survey re: what is going on in our open space? <br />Host should be readily identifiable. There are about 48 miles of <br />trails and over 1,000 acres of lands that are maintained by <br /> <br />