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Board of Adjustment Agenda and Packet 2011 11 16
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Board of Adjustment Agenda and Packet 2011 11 16
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3/11/2021 2:40:43 PM
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12/12/2011 10:15:17 AM
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BOAPKT 2011 11 16
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existing grade to meet the requirements of the LMC. According to the applicant, elevating the sheds to <br />tlus height would "prevent(s) eye level contact and a direct exchange between vendor and customer." For <br />this reason, the applicant requests a variance to Section of the LMC to permit the vendor <br />sheds to have their lowest floor at an elevation which is less than two feet above the base flood elevation <br />on the FEMA map. <br />FLOODPLAIN PERMIT AND VARIANCE CRITERIA: <br />The Board of Adjustment has authority to hear and decide, grant or deny this application for a Floodplain <br />Development Permit and a variance to flood regulatory district regulations pursuant to the powers granted <br />the Board in § 17.56.210.B of the Louisville Municipal Code. The Board may grant a permit only if it <br />makes findings that all of the applicable criteria as established under § 17.56.160 A-F have been satisfied, <br />and by finding that the conditions for granting a variance in § 1-5 have been met. The <br />following is an overview of the proposals compliance with Section 17.56.160 and section 17.56.240 C of <br />the LMC. <br />Floodplain Development Permit Criteria <br />• 17.56.160 A. Flood District Encroachments: "The cumulative effect of any proposed <br />development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, shall not <br />increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any point. <br />Certification by a registered professional engineer stating that any encroachment shall not result <br />in such an increase in flood levels during the occurrence of a 100 year flood shall be required." <br />The applicant has demonstrated that the vendor sheds will be placed on a skids and "wet flood <br />proofed" in accordance with FEMA regulations (see applicant's explanation in attachment 1). <br />The wet floodproof design will allow for the entry and exit of water underneath the vendor sheds. <br />By allowing water to move through the sheds in a flood event, the water surface elevation of the <br />base flood will not increase. <br />Staff finds this criterion has been met. <br />• 17.56.160 B. Structures: <br />1. "Structures will have low flood damage" <br />2. The structure or structures, if permitted, will be constructed and placed on the building site <br />so as to offer the minimum obstruction to the flow of floodwaters. Whenever possible, <br />structures will be constructed with the longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of flow of <br />floodwaters, and so far as practicable, structures will be placed so their longitudinal axes are <br />approximately on the same line as those of adjoining structures. <br />3. Structures will be firmly anchored as required by this section to prevent the structure from <br />floating away and thus threatening to further restrict bridge openings and other restricted <br />sections of the stream or river. <br />4. The lowest floor, including the basement floor, of any structure to be erected, constructed, <br />reconstructed, or moved on the floodplain shall be constructed on fill at or above the <br />elevation or level required by this section for the particular area and use specified, and the <br />fill shall extend at such elevation at least 15 feet beyond the limits of any structure or <br />building erected thereon. <br />The vendor sheds will be "wet flood proofed" in accordance with FEMA standards which will <br />result in low flood damage to the sheds themselves and also offer minimal obstruction to the flow <br />of floodwaters in the event of a flood. The applicant has stated the structures will be tied down <br />3 <br />
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