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disability by the associate member who during such disability shall enjoy full voting <br />privileges. <br />B. Any matter brought before the Board may be discussed by all the regular <br />and associate members present. <br />C. At no time shall there be more than five (5) voting members on the Board. <br />Section 3. Residency Requirement. Residents will be given priority when <br />applying to the Board, however if no resident applicants have the technical knowledge <br />needed to serve on the Board, a non - resident may be appointed. <br />Section 4. City Employees. Members may not be employees of the City of <br />Louisville at any time during their appointment to the Board. <br />Section 5. Term of Members. Each member shall be appointed for a three -year <br />term. A member's term of office shall commence January 1 and shall expire December <br />31. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council shall have the authority at the time <br />of appointment to any vacancy to reduce the length of a member's term as necessary to <br />avoid more than two thirds of members' terms expiring at the same time. <br />Section 6. Compensation. Members shall serve without compensation. <br />Expenses actually incurred in the performance of the duties of office may be paid only if <br />the expense and amount thereof are approved and authorized in advance by a writing <br />signed by the City Manager. (Louisville Home Rule Charter Section 10 -2e). <br />Section 7. City Liaison. The City Manager shall appoint a City staff member to <br />act as liaison to the Board. Such liaison may advise the Board, make recommendations, <br />and bring items for discussion. Such liaison is not a member of the Board, does not vote <br />on matters before the Board, and may not be counted as a part of a quorum. <br />ARTICLE III <br />Officers and Personnel <br />Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Board shall be a Chair, a Vice - Chair, and <br />a Secretary. <br />Section 2. President. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board. <br />Section 3. Vice President. The Vice -Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair <br />in the Chair's absence or inability to act. In the event of the absence or inability to act of <br />both the Chair and Vice - Chair, the remaining members shall select some other member <br />of the Board to temporarily perform the duties of the Chair. <br />Page 2 of 12 <br />