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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 5, 2000 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />recommendations and their findings regarding the location of Sexually Oriented <br />Businesses, the safety and compatibility of the area, the transportation study <br />submitted, the environmental site assessment, as well as on-site and off-site external and <br />internal access transportation issues. <br /> <br />Wood stated Resolution No. 34, Series 2000, is a Special Review Use application and <br />Final PUD Development Plan for the Peak to Peak School. Wood stated that the Peak to <br />Peak Charter School has entered into a 36-month lease agreement with the property <br />owner to use the existing building for operation of a K-5 school. The lease is for the <br />entire portion of the building, 1812 Boxelder, which is zoned (I) Industrial, and located at <br />the end of Boxelder Street, Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, Colorado Tech Center, First Filing, and <br />owned by SPF Lease, LLC, Terry O'Connor managing member. The subject property is <br />approximately 151,575 SF, 3.48 acres. The property is occupied by an existing 31,600 <br />SF office warehouse, formerly occupied by SPF Corporation. <br /> <br />Wood reviewed the use description for the proposed facility to house Peak to Peak's <br />elementary school program (Phase I), which will provide a total of 10-13 classrooms on <br />the first floor of the building. Enrollment is anticipated to run between 330 and 350 <br />children. The school opening is scheduled for late August 2000 and the school year will <br />run through early June. The proposed hours of the school will be 8:20 a.m. through 3:20 <br />p.m., Monday through Friday. The school will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. <br />The staffing proposed includes 20 teachers, staff, and parent volunteers for a total of 46. <br /> <br />Wood noted that Phase I would include 12,400 SF fenced playground, immediately <br />adjacent to the north of the building. Wood noted that the parking has been revised to <br />permit 102 on-site parking spaces, which has been revised from the 56 spaces submitted <br />to the Planning Commission. It has also doubled the number of on street parking spaces. <br />Phase I provides for a designated drop-of/pick-up lane in front of the building, which <br />provides a queue for 12 cars. No kitchen facilities will be constructed as part of Phase I. <br />Phase II would anticipate another eight classrooms constructed as a second level, <br />mezzanine plan, providing for an increased enrollment of approximately 200 children for <br />a total of 530-550 children. Phase II is not within the scope of this request. <br /> <br />Wood noted that a Final PUD Development Plan is also being requested to modify the <br />building elevations to provide for the addition of new window openings and removal of <br />overhead doors. Building modifications are being proposed primarily on the west and <br />north building elevations. Although Phase II is not within the scope of this request, for <br />the purposes of a tenant finish building permit review, structural components of Phase II <br />will need to be considered as part of the Phase I tenant finish work. <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br /> <br />