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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 18, 2000 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Two of the primary legal issues regarding this application are whether the City Council <br />has the authority to deny this application and whether it has the authority to require <br />undergrounding of the lines at the utility company's expense. On the first issue, the <br />Council's regulation of this project is governed by the Special Review Use criteria of the <br />Louisville Municipal Code. However, its power with regard to this project is further <br />restricted because of the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission, certain other <br />statutes, court decisions and because certain utilities already exist on the ground. <br /> <br />Light noted that the city Attorney's position is that this Council can not deny the <br />application, because the City Council may question the need for power, or because City <br />Council does not prefer the existing location. City Council's land use rule may be related <br />to determining the proposal's alternatives. Light stated that is the basis of the Special <br />Review Use criteria set forth in the City Code. <br /> <br />Light stated that in the event of denial, it is likely that Public Service could seek authority <br />from the PUC, if necessary, to make upgrades to provide adequate or safe service as <br />directed by the Public Utility Commission. Public Service would have the right to do so, <br />even if contrary to the Louisville City Council's land use decision. <br /> <br />With regard to under-grounding, Light stated that the City does not have the authority to <br />require under-grounding at the utility company's expense. Therefore, the application <br />could not be denied or conditioned for that purpose. It may address specific questions on <br />the issue. <br /> <br />Light noted'that the information to be considered in reviewing the application is not <br />limited to the information presented to the Planning Commission. Instead, the applicant, <br />City Staff, persons supporting or opposing the application, or any other person may <br />present additional testimony. Council's review of this application is a quasi-judicial <br />proceeding. <br /> <br />Light reviewed that the general order of the proceeding will begin with a presentation by <br />City Staff followed by the applicant's presentation. Council will then take comments <br />from persons who wish to speak for or against the application. Persons wishing to speak <br />must complete a sign-up card and provide the same card to the City Clerk prior to <br />speaking. Once the testimony is complete the Council will ask questions of the applicant <br />and staff and the applicant may make a closing statement. Rules of evidence do not <br />apply in these proceedings. All testimony and written documents presented will be part <br />of the record of the Council's proceedings. <br /> <br />Light requested that the City Council include in the record, all application materials <br />submitted by the applicant, all materials included in the City Council packets, all minutes <br /> <br /> <br />