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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />August 15, 2000 <br />Page 3. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS: <br /> <br />Davidson stated that Staff could acquire more bids from two or more major companies <br />and compare them with the two existing bids. <br /> <br />Keany stated that he has a contact person with one of the company's listed. Keany asked <br />about the bid process and was told that the RFP was too cumbersome. Keany stated that <br />the company suggested that the City should briefly meet with them and allow them to <br />introduce themselves and to ask questions to determine the City's needs. The company <br />could then come back with a proposal. Keany stated that they felt that other companies <br />would also respond to that type of format as opposed to the formal written proposal. <br /> <br />Mayer asked what the City was looking in the RFP and suggested that perhaps the RFP <br />could be less formal. <br /> <br />Davidson stated that Staff needs to attract other companies to bid and then analyze and <br />compare the bids overall to make sure the City is getting value for its dollar. <br /> <br />MOTION: Davidson moved that Council authorize Staff to renegotiate and get further <br />bids for the telephone system, seconded Brown. All in favor. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 42, SERIES 2000 - PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY, <br />SPECIAL REVIEW USE TO UPGRADE THAT PORTION OF THE VALMONT <br />TO BROOMFIELD 115 (kV) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE <br />WHICH IS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE. THE RIGHT OF <br />WAY IS 75 FEET WIDE AND RUNS NORTH-SOUTH THROUGH THE CITY, <br />APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE EAST OF MCCASLIN BOULEVARD (continued <br />from 7/18/00) <br /> <br />Davidson called for Staff presentation. <br /> <br />City Administrator Bill Simmons stated that there has been on-going discussion with <br />Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo), with regards to the cost of the burial of the <br />line. He stated that Staff is continuing to working with PSCo to refine the cost estimates <br />on the two methods of burying the power lines. Simmons stated that Staff is also <br />researching various financing mechanisms. They have focused on three different <br />methods, 1) A General Improvement District, 2) Special Assessment, 3) Special <br />Improvement District. He stated that Staff continues to explore various options and <br />discuss the advantages and disadvantages with Bond counsel. He noted that a project of <br />this nature has not been done before. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />