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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />August 15, 2000 <br />Page 4. <br /> <br />Simmons stated that a community-wide meeting is set for Wednesday, August 23rd at the <br />Louisville Recreation Center to allow additional input. <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> <br />Carrie Degraw, 741 Orchard Drive, Louisville, CO, stated that she was curious about the <br />discussion at the city-wide meeting and where the Council Members stand. She voiced <br />her concern that a Special Improvement District would affect people living closest to the <br />power lines and felt that the properties should be assessed appropriately. She responded <br />to comments about the current indebtedness of the City and noted that the power lines <br />will be here for 70 years so the issue is very important. <br /> <br />Davidson stated that the City anticipates having all the information available at the <br />August 23ra meeting. He stressed that Council cannot make a decision until they have all <br />the information. <br /> <br />Degraw stated that notification of the meeting should go out to the entire City and not just <br />to the properties within 500 feet. <br /> <br />Tim Hoar, 762 W. Willow, Louisville, CO, stated that he lives right next to the power <br />lines. He agreed that people should be notified beyond 500 feet. He referred to the two <br />different methods of burying the power lines and stated that PSCo has only referenced <br />one method. He asked why more information and discussion was not given to the second <br />method. Hoar stated that burying the lines is in his best interest and he didn't care how <br />long it took to bury the lines, as long as they are buried. He stated that he is willing to pay <br />some of the cost for the burial of the lines, but not all. He felt that this is an essential <br />city-wide issue. He suggested that some sort of funds should be reserved to bury lines in <br />the future. <br /> <br />Mike Gheleta, 761 Pear Court, Louisville, CO, commended the recommendation to <br />continue the matter to further evaluate the options. He stated that there is very strong <br />consensus to bury the power lines, even from those who do not live in the core area. He <br />stated that this is a city-wide issue. Gheleta stated that he believed the properties closest <br />to the lines should pay, and that the City and PSCo should pay for the burial of the power <br />lines. He also stated that other financing options should be considered, such as <br />beautification funds, sales tax, and combining with other capital projects. He felt that <br />Superior and Broomfield should also pay for the lines since they will benefit. He stated <br />that a detailed breakdown of the estimate should be shared with the citizens. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />