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Louisville Housing Authority Agenda and Packet 2012 04 09
2012 Louisville Housing Authority Agendas and Packets
Louisville Housing Authority Agenda and Packet 2012 04 09
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LHAPKT 2012 04 09
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In Boulder County, there are the County Commissioners. We would want Louisville to have a <br />place at the advisory board table. BCHA right now subsidizes LHA in the administration of our <br />properties. They are losing money managing our properties. <br />There will probably be some public sentiment against this simply because LHA was developed <br />in the 1970s. It's done a good job. <br />Kelly said that the citizens need to be made aware that we are not actually running our <br />properties. BCHA staff is managing every property. <br />Ernie said that if we don't act, we will be left to our own devices to handle certain things. If we <br />don't do this, the agreement will have to be redefined. <br />Frank said you also have an aging portfolio that has to be managed. This is the first multi year <br />fiscal strategy that we've had for the LHA units. Clearly all the properties we have in Louisville, <br />most of them you are going to keep and want for the long term. We need to have them invested <br />in and brought up to a standard that will continue on for another 15 -20 years. <br />Steve said you should, consider opportunities to achieve operating efficiencies. He thinks there is <br />a degree of risk that the city carries, because the housing authority is an ordinance of the city. <br />There are liabilities associated; longer term management issues that, if the county changes, the <br />City could be asked to step up. It's not the long term basis on which you ought to operate a <br />business. Housing is a service and a business. <br />Jay said that as board members today, if there is consensus that this is something you want to <br />look at, to pursue this further, that there be a resolution brought back to the LHA at the next <br />meeting that says that we support the merger of LHA and BCHA and support City Council to <br />pursue that and include requirements. He mentioned that there should be a minimum number of <br />units in Louisville with preference given to residents, or immediate family of residents, of the <br />City of Louisville. He recommends that we develop an agreement and then go to an outside <br />mediator familiar with public housing for discussion. He believes that the Louisville properties <br />have value. How we are compensated for that property is the big question. Jay said there is a <br />fiduciary responsibly to Louisville not to just sign it away. If this is something to move forward <br />on, BCHA will need to have appraisals on all the properties. <br />Franks said that the fundamental principal discussion is that we are trying to better achieve the <br />mission that we have. We are all operating in a different environment. Providing services to <br />poor and low income folks right now is a challenging business. We have been able to utilize the <br />expertise of our Human Services Department to assist in our services and housing units. If we <br />look realistically at federal funding, the future is a continued pressure to be much more efficient <br />and continue operating at a really high level of fiscal expertise. How are we going to get the <br />mission to a better level? If not, then let's not do it. Is this going to get us to that greater <br />mission? What's required to have everybody comfortable going forward. We are doing our due <br />diligence to get further to the outcome that we want. Vulnerabilities are exposing themselves but <br />they are not manifest. We are not in a crisis mode. This is a good position to be in. <br />5 <br />
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