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Sustainability Advisory Board <br />April18,2012 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2of10 <br /> <br />Footprints_Framework-for-Sustainable-Urban-Infrastructure-oct2011.pdf <br />VII. Report from Dave Szabados on Boulder County meeting regarding a <br />sustainability tax, as attended by Malcolm Fleming. <br />Dave providedhighlights from Malcolm’s notes from the meeting.See Attachment 1, <br />“Sustainability Initiative Discussion,” dated 3/21/2012. <br />We may want to look at our city. Mary Ann suggested inviting Malcolm Fleming to one <br />of LSAB’s meetings. Andy suggested that we talk with Malcolm aboutAbel Chavez’ <br />presentation. Emily Jasiak suggested that we should consider integration of sustainable <br />items into the next Comprehensive Plan. <br />VIII. Urban Gardens: Garden Exchange andCommunity Gardens Update <br />Mary Annput up posters the other day and received positive responses. <br />She and Annie feel that Louisville may need additional community gardens and we will <br />need to put together our own organization for support and management. This is the time <br />to be gauging interest and gatheringsupport. <br />Growing Gardens (who has helped sponsor and oversees many of the community <br />gardens in Boulder County) cannot help us any time soon as they are in the process of <br />reorganization. <br />Here’s how we’reproceeding: <br />Mary Ann will schedule public interest meetings in June and May of 2012. The <br />purpose will be to gauge interest, gather support, and begin process of <br />identifying potential garden sites. <br />Annie has secured a booth at the Taste of Louisville (June 2) provided in <br />exchange for volunteer help to theLouisville Chamber by LSAB memberson the <br />day of the event (June 2). Cullen and Robyn offered to help the Chamber. <br />The Street Faire and local schools may be other possibilities for handing out <br />flyers and gauging interest. <br />Mary Ann to meet with staff person to determine sites where water tap is <br />possible. <br />IX.Update on Zero-Water Plan resolution from Mark. <br />All agreed that Mark’s current proposal will be sent to staff for redlining and then will be <br />provided directly to council without further review by LSAB.Mark also presented the <br />City of Lafayette’s plan. Attachment 2. <br />X. Comments/suggestions from members regarding the Comp Plan and brief <br />discussion of next steps. <br />