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Frank had no additional updates at this time. <br />Finance Update <br />Clifton Larson 2011 audit presentation <br />Mark Elmshauser Hewent over the <br />communications letter, which is a requirement for you as the Board of Louisville Housing Authority. As <br />auditors, our responsibility is ultimately to form and express an opinion on the financial statements. Our <br />work does not relieve you or your management of your responsibilities. In the case of the Housing <br />Authority <br />Each of the financial statements contains other supplementary information and detail of expenses; to <br />make sure it conforms to accounting records. We believe that information, as it relates to our audit, is <br />fairly presented. <br />This year there were no new principles, applied, selected, or changed. No significant transactions <br />occurred. significant discloser we feel needs to be brought to your attention. <br />He thanked Shirley, Frank, Mary Corbat, and Richard for their assistance. <br />Management letters for Lincoln Street and East Street were presented. We made minor adjustments and <br />encourage a thorough review. <br />East Street has had more issues with various restrictive covenants and funding levels. We suggest a <br />periodic review of restrictive covenants to monitor compliance. <br />Mark DeVries focused on the LHA financial statements. One of the things that has changed from last <br />adjustments <br />that needed to be made. He discussed the balance sheet on page 1 and fluctuations from the prior year. <br />Accrued interest has increased from the prior year because of a payment made back to East Street. They <br />still owe that to the LHA. New line item is due from other entities. That represents the amount forwarded <br />to East Street to meet the debt covenant from last year. <br />Total operating revenues have increased due to higher occupancy rates in 2011. Non routine maintenance <br />has decreased over the past year. The loan forgiveness line has to do with the Lincoln Street loan, which <br />has been forgiven for the amount of $100,000.00. <br />Frank thanked and said he appreciated how smoothly things went this year. <br />Richard said that after many new hires, we have a full staff this year. We are going to have a structured <br />process to review East Street and are inviting Jeremy Durham to help us move forward with tracking that <br />on a monthly basis. We are putting in place the team to have a consistent review of East Street and <br />Lincoln. <br />Frank answered <br />what the board wants. He said that there are two processes. M <br />with those, are your monthly tracking of the Authorityperformance. Use that, with your maintenance <br />data to track where we are in the Section 8 in the community. From that process throughout the year, <br />everything comes together for the audit. In January the board reviews the year end statements for the <br />calendar year. Every month we show that monthly period plus year to date financials. This includes <br />reviewing covenant restrictions and the test of our compliance with regulations and how we assess people <br />coming into eligibility programs. The auditors simultaneously audit our BCHA and Human Services <br />funds. They are testing our compliance in each program that receives Federal funding. <br />3 <br /> <br />