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Colleen said that the transition is really not as significant as people might think. While we have had a lot <br />of input at the local level, BCHA has been running it for years. <br />Kelly, Colleen, Frank, Willa, Terri, Heather, and Aaron will be at the study session. <br />Frank said that w <br />the fundamental core issue associated with the small size of the portfolio. The commitment here is to <br />expand and to take care of, in perpetuity, the existing level of housing in a more strategic way for the long <br />term. The commissioners have been heavily committed to affordable housing by making Josephine <br />Commons happen. Developing a partnership to find land, build and expand units, is our preference. That <br />conversation is fundamental to the future of the COur primary task, going <br />forward, as we move into restructure, refinancing and recapitalizing and building the necessary capital <br />improvement plans so that appropriate money is invested in the properties and they are safe and stable <br />moving forward. The Commissioners will want to bring support and resources to these discussions. <br />Contracting for Legal Services for LHA <br />The board was introduced to Rod Felzer, attorney in Boulder County. He was invited by Jeremy to attend <br />Rod letters are in the packet. <br />Rod said that he has been representing the LHA since 1988. He used to represent Boulder County and is <br />very familiar with Housing Authority issues and history. In 2005, when the LHA was contracting with <br />the BCHA, he was involved. He is willing to be involved in any way that board would choose to involve <br />him. <br />Frank said the discussions to been around developing an intergovernmental agreement that would include <br />the City of Louisville, the Louisville Housing Authority, and the Boulder County Housing Authority. <br />That IGA would spell out the commitments on both sides as the consolidation efforts move forward. That <br />would include principles of baseline number of units, expansion of those units, representation on the <br />BCHA advisory board and what the BCHA will do as these units move into the consolidation. We are <br />looking for someone to work with Jeremy, representing the BCHA, and Sam Light, representing the City <br />of Louisville, an attorney to work on this consolidated agreement, and how we are going to do the <br />terms, and perpetuity issues on a property by property basis as we move forward. We would be <br />responsible for working with City staff and the board to come up with a mutually acceptable agreement to <br />bring before City Council. <br />th <br />Jeremy said we are looking at May 15to make decisions on whether we are going to move forward. The <br />BCHA office will take the lead on drafting the IGA. Later on, there will be real estate transactions, set <br />forth by the IGA, and the actual transactions as you transfer property. LHA would want the attorney to <br />review those as well. There is a HUD overlay involved and Frank will do that work on our end. It would <br />be great to get Lydia Morgan transferred over this year. <br />e tax credit exit and refinancing that we are <br />trying to do this year. <br />Frank said that Lydia Morgancompliance period has expired. Paul Smith is working with the <br />investors on the exit. We can start to exit Sunnyside next year, as it expires in two years. We have had <br />discussions with HUD on the public housing concerns which are quite extensive and will require board <br />consideration. With a consolidation effort, we have a better argument for the disposition of public <br />housing as the units transition out of the Authority. There is significant benefit involved. <br />Jeremy said we are thinking about potential delays from HUD. The longer process will be public housing <br />disposition for Hillside. <br />and in place for Regal Square. Ideally we would be looking to have this closed by the end of the summer. <br />5 <br /> <br />