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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 21, 2012 <br />Page 2 of 10 <br /> <br />Public Comment <br />Jean Morgan – 1131 Spruce Street – stated she would like to propose that the City of <br />Louisville keep track of the properties that have demolition permits on them, i.e. Grain <br />Elevator and Hecla Mine Casino. She added it seems like the Rod and Gun Club <br />slipped through the cracks. She also recommended the City consider creating a <br />Pioneer Park. She thought the City should start using parks, pocket parks and big <br />parks, to move these structures to. She added she recommends The City should move <br />the Casino to one of these locations. <br />Stewart asked staff, what is the update of the Hecla Mine Casino <br />McCartney answered there isn’t a demo permit on this structure. <br />Koertje stated he worked with Lewis on this structure and had spoken with Boulder <br />County Housing to see if they were interested in moving the structure. He stated they <br />are still interested in moving the structure to Lafayette but has not been able to activate <br />the relocation as of yet. <br />Poppitz stated he liked the idea of a Pioneer Park for these moved structures. <br /> <br />Stewart stated we should put this on a future agenda. <br />Pre-filing Conference – 631 Johnson Street <br />Robinson presented the memo. He reminded the board the structure is not currently in <br />the City, it is an enclave. The applicants are in the process of annexing the property <br />into the City. Once they are in the City they would be interested in demoing the <br />structure. <br />Robert Kline – applicant – stated the structure needs a foundation so we know we need <br />to do something major to get a livable structure. He added they are mainly interested in <br />learning if there are any concerns you all might have with our proposed reuse of this <br />property. <br />Stewart inquired where are they at in the annexation process. <br />th <br />Robinson stated they will go to Council on June 19 for a resolution of compliance. <br />Stewart asked if the HPC is a referral on this. <br />Robinson answered no, there isn’t a development application being considered, only an <br />annexation request. <br />Kline stated he knows this seems a little out of the ordinary, but they are primarily trying <br />to understand if there are any major concerns about this structure so that they know <br />what they are getting into. <br /> <br />