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lowest bidder, or does not exceed $1,000.00300.00 difference between the bid of <br /> the local vendor and the bid of the lowest vendor, whichever is less. This local <br /> vendor preference may not be applied in any situation where it may be prohibited <br /> as a condition of any grant, or a violation of any other law. For purposes of this <br /> chapter, "bid" shall include bids, proposals and quotes, and "bidder" shall include <br /> persons submitting bids, proposals or quotes to the city. <br /> Section 3. Section 3.08.010 of the Louisville Municipal Code is hereby repealed and <br /> reenacted to read in full as follows: <br /> Sec. 3.08.010. Public improvement construction by contract. <br /> All work done by the city in the construction of works of public <br /> improvement shall be done by contract let to the lowest, best and responsive, <br /> responsible bidder at determined by the city, pursuant to purchasing procedures <br /> and requirements adopted by resolution of the city council, using the following <br /> purchasing levels: <br /> Cost of Project Bid Procedure <br /> 0 to $2,499.99 Bids or quotes not required <br /> $2,500 to $9,999.99 Minimum of three telephone bids/quotes/proposals <br /> $10,000 to $24,999.99 Minimum of three written bids/quotes/proposals <br /> $25,000 to $49,999.99 Competitive bid process - approval by City <br /> Manager <br /> Over $50,000.00 Competitive bid process - approval by City Council <br /> The city shall not be required to advertise for and receive bids for such <br /> technical, professional, or incidental assistance as it deems wise to employ in <br /> guarding the interests of the city against the neglect of contractors in the <br /> performance of such work. <br /> Section 4. Section 3.08.030 of the Louisville Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br /> read as follows (words added are underlined; words deleted are stricken through): <br /> Sec. 3.08.030. Competitive Bidding—Procedure generally. <br /> Whenever it is required by law or deemed desirable by the city council <br /> that any contract of the city for construction work, services, equipment, supplies, <br /> or other thing be let upon a competitive bids process ($25,000 and over), the <br /> procedure for obtaining such bids shall be as set out in sections 3.08.040 through <br /> Ordinance No. 1621, Series 2012 <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />