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3.08.080 and in the purchasing procedures and requirements adopted by <br /> resolution of the city council. <br /> Section 5. Section 3.08.040 of the Louisville Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br /> read as follows (words added are underlined; words deleted are stricken through): <br /> Sec. 3.08.040. Bidding—Notice. <br /> The city shall cause notice of the proposal request for competitive bids to be <br /> published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city for two publications. <br /> The last publication shall be not more than twenty tee days nor fewer than <br /> fourteen five days prior to the date set for the opening of bids. Such notice shall <br /> be posted on the city's web site and may also be published in any other <br /> publication of limited circulation or trade journal designated by the city-eetn cil. <br /> The city may also shall mail or e-mail copies of such notice to a reasonable <br /> number of persons or firms who could reasonably be expected to make a bid, but <br /> such mailing or e-mailing is not required unless if-se directed by the city council <br /> or city manager. Wherever a larger number of publications is required by state <br /> law or this Code, as in section 3.08.020, such requirements shall be followed. The <br /> notice to bidders shall describe the subject of the bids and the place where the <br /> specifications, conditions, and terms of the proposed contract may be obtained or <br /> examined, the time when and place where bids shall be received, and the time and <br /> place of the opening of bids. The notice to bidders shall also state that the city <br /> reserves the right to reject any and all bids. <br /> Section 6. Section 3.08.050 of the Louisville Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br /> read as follows (words added are underlined; words deleted are stri�raugh): <br /> Sec. 3.08.050. Bidding—Information required. <br /> All bids shall be in writing, and shall show the residence of the person or the <br /> principal place of business of the firm making the bid, together with the amount <br /> of the bid and any other information required by the bid documents-plans-and <br /> speei€cations. Such bids shall be signed by the bidder, sealed in an envelope, and <br /> filed with the city within the required time. The bids shall also include any bid <br /> bond which may be required by the city council and stated in the notice to <br /> bidders. <br /> Section 7. Section 3.08.060 of the Louisville Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br /> read as follows (words added are underlined; words deleted are�a stri,eken-tthrough): <br /> Sec. 3.08.060. Bidding—Opening of bids. <br /> Bids filed with the city shall not be opened until the time for opening <br /> specified in the notice. At the time and place specified, all bids shall be opened <br /> Ordinance No. 1621. Series 2012 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br />