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<br />Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />DATE <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />2. LRC Recommendation Regarding Highway 42 Street Plan - A memo <br />was circulated regarding the vehicular circulation and access plan for the <br />Highway 42 area at the October 13 LRC meeting. A number of <br />conceptual street layouts were provided to the LRC at that meeting. The <br />LRC directed staff to initiate a filing with the Planning Department to <br />amend the Highway 42 Framework Plan component of Citywide <br />Comprehensive Plan to address specifically the conceptual street layout <br />in the this portion of the Plan. Since the previous meeting, a filing has <br />occurred with the Planning Department to initiate the amendment <br />process. The referral process is currently ongoing. Procedures <br />regarding the amendment include public hearings before the Planning <br />Commission and City Council. <br />3. Proposed LRC Budgiet - The budget for the LRC is an informal <br />arrangement with the City that includes General Fund financing within <br />the City Attorney's budget for legal services pertaining to LRC activities. <br />The Commissioners approved continuation of the current arrangement. <br />4. Planning Department Update on Highway 42 Area Activities - <br />A) Highway 42 Road Study October 27 Public Meeting Update - Ken <br />Johnstone reported that the Traffic and Access study confirmed <br />that Highway 42 needs to be a 4-lane roadway from Pasqual <br />(north City limits) to 104th. There was much conversation at the <br />open house about further discussions with the County to shift the <br />preferred alternative to the east in an attempt to avoid takings of <br />residences/businesses and maintenance of a buffer between the <br />roadway and property interests. A final report is to be submitted <br />in early 2006. Copies will be distributed to the LRC once <br />available. <br />5. Next Meeting Items -- 1) Tom Clark, Executive VP for the Denver Metro <br />Economic Development Corporation 2) Update on the Urban Renewal <br />Plan 3) Planning Department Update on Mixed Use Zoning and Design <br />Guidelines for the Highway 42 Area 4) Next Meeting Items; and 5) Next <br />Meeting Date <br />6. Next Meeting Date -. The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held <br />on January 12, 200S <br /> <br />Commissioners' Comments <br />There was a brief discussion about North Louisville and a pending development <br />application in that area. Additionally, Michael Deborski spoke favorably on the <br />proposed changes to the strBet alignment in the Highway 42 area. <br /> <br />Adjourn - The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM. <br />