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Historic Preservation Commission Agenda and Packet 2012 09 17
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Historic Preservation Commission Agenda and Packet 2012 09 17
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HPCPKT 2012 09 17
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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 20, 2012 <br />Page 4of 10 <br />Koertje stated the assessment and scope of work is great. He added more information <br />regarding the $5,000 incentive and how it differs from the general Restoration and <br />Rehabilitation grant. <br />Watson stated he would rather see the $5,000 used for lighting and other similar items. <br />Stewart stated he looks at it more as a consultant and believes the scope has provided <br />a good justification for the potential of a contingency. He then asked to discuss the <br />need for railings on the front porch. The current railings are twisted metal. <br />Watson stated he would rather not see a railing at all. He did not believe it was <br />appropriate for this type of house. <br />Robert Qualls stated there was a code issue with the current railings and that is why the <br />contractor requested railings. <br />Barlow stated the grade difference is above 30” which the code then requires a railing <br />on a deck 30” above grade. The designs are supposed to be simplistic and meet code, <br />as well as to save money. He stated he was willing to accept other design ideas. <br />Stewart stated he would encourage the contractor to raise the grade to increase the <br />drainage from the foundation and make grade shorter thereby not requiring a railing. <br />Watson asked about the deteriorating capital on thecolumn and what was being <br />requested for the replacement. <br />Barlow stated the base and capital are too far gone to understand what the original <br />design actually was. <br />Watson recommended taking detailed photos of what is there and running alternative <br />designs bystaff. <br />Stewart stated a subcommittee and staff could be designated to review the details of the <br />request for consistency of the building. This would allow the project to remain on track. <br />Watson stated he supports a request for the full $20,000 without tweaking the amount <br />for the contingency. <br />Stewart stated he is supportive of this request with a condition the applicant go through <br />the certificate of appropriateness application and to have the building official walk <br />through the structure to review the roofing system to make sure it is in good working <br />order. This will prohibit the fund being used on something other than the roof. <br />There was more discussion regarding the process of approving this application as a <br />certificate of appropriateness. <br />Koertje recommended to approve this project as presented, including a certificate of <br />appropriateness. <br />
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