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City Council <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> September 4, 2012 <br /> Page 4 of 17 <br /> It specifies moneys from the Historic Preservation Fund and the General Fund be used <br /> to pay $950,000 to acquire the Grain Elevator property subject to and conditioned upon <br /> satisfaction of all conditions in the Purchase Contract for the property. It also authorizes <br /> a loan of $1,500,000 in 2012 from the General Fund to the Historic Preservation Fund to <br /> fund the purchase, stabilization, rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Historic Grain <br /> Elevator site. The City's costs associated with this action could be partially offset by <br /> subdividing the property and leasing or selling the former NAPA building. <br /> He noted at the last City Council meeting there was discussion relative to amending the <br /> ordinance to only authorize the acquisition of the property. Staff recommended <br /> approval of the second reading of Ordinance 1622, Series 2012, without changes to <br /> provide staff with the greatest flexibility to complete the redevelopment of the Historic <br /> Grain Elevator. <br /> COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> Council member Keany asked if the ordinance was amended for just the purchase of <br /> the property, would there be sufficient funds in the HP account or would it require an <br /> interfund loan. Economic Development Director DeJong stated the purchase would <br /> require a small interfund loan to reach the $900,000 acquisition amount. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> Jim Hollestelle, 738 Jefferson Avenue, Louisville, CO stated the Town was built based <br /> on the mining industry and not on farming. He felt the grain elevator was a waste of <br /> money. He stated the City would be ill advised to spend this amount of money in these <br /> tough economic times. <br /> Mary Kay Knorr, 1209 LaFarge Avenue, Louisville, CO interviewed Louisville residents <br /> who shared their farm experiences about the Grain Elevator and she wrote a story <br /> about their experiences. She distributed copies of the story to the Mayor and Council. <br /> Michael Menaker, 1827 W. Choke Cherry, Louisville, CO voiced his concern over how <br /> the RFP would be written. He noted it is an oddly constrained site, with a strange <br /> layout. He suggested the City not be in a hurry to separate the NAPA building from the <br /> larger parcel until the RFP is written. <br /> Peter Stewart, 1132 Jefferson Avenue, Louisville, CO encouraged Council to vote yes <br /> to preserve the grain elevator. He felt if the City does not acquire the property it will be <br /> demolished and lost forever. He stated the grain elevator has intrinsic value. <br /> John Leary, 1116 LaFarge Avenue, Louisville, CO did not feel it was prudent to spend <br /> the money to rehabilitate the grain elevator at this time. He felt different options would <br /> have significant impacts on the City. He felt it was prudent to save the grain elevator, <br /> but to not use it as part of some development. <br />