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• <br />• <br />Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />DATE <br />Page 2of2 <br />headed to Council for December meeting.) <br />Markel Proposal for North End properties. Jeff Moline provided a status <br />report on the Markel plans for the property. The Board and Jeff discussed <br />issues of dedication of lands, including ditch and lake dedication pros and <br />cons. OSAB requests a review of the guiding sections of the Louisville <br />Municipal Code regarding dedication of lands for public use. Of particular <br />interest are clauses regarding "suitability of land for dedicated use" and <br />requirements prohibiting "liens and encumbrances ". Board also reviews <br />and discusses memo from Paul Wood requesting input on the dedication <br />issue from OSAB. Due to the absence of several OSAB members and the <br />desire to formally place Paul's memo on the agenda for discussion, action <br />on this item was postponed until the January meeting. <br />Louisville resident Art Phelps reiterated his desire for a "high mobility" area <br />around Hecla Lake. <br />2. (VII) Board Updates. Ted Kowalski attended this morning's Water <br />Advisory board meeting with several Council members, City Utility staff <br />and the city's water attorney. There appears to be some hesitation from <br />Staff to pursue the ISF idea, perhaps due to misunderstandings regarding <br />the city's exposure and /or obligations under the CWCB program. <br />3. (VIII) Potential Open Space Identification and Prioritization. Jeff <br />distributes a draft table of candidate lands, with prioritization or "quality" <br />levels (0 -3) for a variety of identified resource values (e.g., vegetation, <br />wildlife, wetlands, cultural, etc.). OSAB notes that the lands currently <br />addressed in the inventory are only those lands previously identified in the <br />1995 inventory that are also identified in the recent Comprehensive Plan <br />as Open Space reserves. Ted Kowalski suggests that to provide a more <br />comprehensive overview and evaluation of ALL lands inland around <br />Louisville, it would be useful to include all undeveloped lands, regardless <br />of current zoning, use, or designation in the Comp Plan. Discussion of <br />this led to passage of the motion as stated above. <br />Discussion Items for Next Meeting <br />1. North End Development Plan and Paul Wood memo requesting guidance <br />from OSAB. <br />2. Prioritization of candidate Open space parcels. <br />Adjourn — The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm. <br />