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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />June 5, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />MONARCH SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS <br /> <br />Davidson called for Staff presentation. <br /> <br />Parks and Recreation Director Steve Baysinger stated that, with Monarch High School's <br />first graduating class, the City of Louisville established a scholarship to acknowledge and <br />inspire community and civic involvement. The criteria for the scholarship included, <br />Louisville residency, attendance at a Louisville school for at least the last 2 years, a <br />minimum GPA of 2.5 and civic involvement and/or employment with the City of <br />Louisville. In addition, each candidate was required to write a one-page essay titled "My <br />Civic Involvement or My Employment With the City of Louisville." There were 12 <br />applications for the two $1,000 scholarships reviewed by Councilmen Chuck Sisk and <br />Arnold Levihn and Parks and Recreation Director Steve Baysinger. In order to promote <br />fair and impartial review, the names were stricken from the applications. The recipients <br />of the 2001 City of Louisville Monarch High School Scholarship are Missy DiSalle and <br />Adina Martin. DiSalle will attend the Arizona State University and pursue a business <br />degree. Martin will attend the University of Northern Colorado and pursue a degree in <br />English with an emphasis in education. Each scholarship recipient read their winning <br />essay for council and for those in attendance~ <br /> <br />The Mayor and City Council congratulated the DiSalle and Martin as the first recipients <br />of the City of Louisville scholarship. <br /> <br />Sisk voiced his pleasure in being a part of the scholarship review and selection and <br />congratulated the recipients and their families. <br /> <br />HOME CHARTER COMMISSION BUDGET <br /> <br />Davidson announced that he would abstain from voting on this matter because he <br />participated in setting the amount for one of the budget items. He asked Annette <br />Anderson, Chair of the Home Rule Charter Commission, to make a presentation. <br /> <br />Annette Anderson, 632 Manorwood Lane, Louisville, CO, gave a brief summary of the <br />progress of the Commission. She stated that since their first meeting on May 7, 2001, <br />they have written and adopted rules and procedures, hired legal counsel, and heard two <br />speakers on home rule. She reported that the charter topics were divided into categories, <br />and committees formed to work on each category. They have established a calendar of <br />meetings and scheduled discussions on each of these topics. They appointed an outreach <br />committee to publicize the work of the Home Rule Charter Commission and provide <br />information on the Charter. She announced three public hearings scheduled for June 11, <br />2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Julyl2, and August 31, 2001. <br /> <br /> <br />