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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />June 5, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Anderson reported that the Commission has begun the actual study and drafting process° <br />She stated that the structure of the City Council will remain six members elected by <br />wards and the Mayor elected at-large. She noted the main change is Council taking <br />office at the first regular meeting following the election. She reported that the <br />Commission has discussed the initiation, referendum and recall process and will follow <br />state statutes. The Commission has reviewed the legal and judiciary functions of the <br />Charter. Future items for discussion will be finance, budget, boards, and commissions~ <br />She stressed that all the Commission members are working diligently and hope the <br />Charter will be before the Council by their second meeting in August. <br /> <br />Anderson addressed the proposed budget, noting that Tammy Tanoue, of Griffiths, <br />Tanoue, Light, Harrington and Dawes, was hired as legal counsel, with Kathleen <br />Harrington as alternate. She noted that the Outreach/Education item of the budget is for <br />two mailings and the printing costs for information on the proposed Charter. <br /> <br />Mayer stated that the $20,000 was budgeted for the Home Rules Charter Commission. <br />He voiced concern with the request for an additional $7,500 and its impact to the overall <br />budget. He asked, in terms of legal counsel, if the Commission has made use of existing <br />Charters to minimize the requirements for legal counsel. <br /> <br />Anderson stated that the Commission has four recent Charters from other communities <br />and have access to Charters on the Colorado Municipal League and State Statue Web <br />Sites. She noted that they have taken Tanoue's recommendation and are using the City of <br />Loveland's Charter as a guideline. <br /> <br />Mayer voiced his opinion that the $2,500 budget item for Bond Counsel was more than <br />needed. Anderson stated that she was told that the estimate represents approximately <br />eight hours of work, which is a reasonable estimate for what the Commission might need. <br /> <br />Mayer asked City Administrator Simmons what Council was being asked to approve~ <br />Simmons stated that Council is asked to approve the Charter Commission Budget in <br />excess of $20,000. He noted that it is done by a fund basis rather than an activity or line- <br />by-line basis. He stated as long as the fund itself is balanced, a supplemental <br />appropriation request is on an item-by-item basis. <br /> <br />Mayer stated that the $7,500 overage will impact the budget somewhere and noted that <br />those budgets encumbered should be identified, as it may effect decisions in the future. <br /> <br />Sisk commented that when the City of Loveland performed their home rule charter <br />conversion, the legal expense for Tanoue was between $17,000 and $20,000. He stressed <br />that they reviewed expenses of other municipalities during their home rule process. He <br />noted that Bond Counsel would review self-collection of sales tax to ensure that the City <br />complies with state regulations. Sisk stated that the Home Rule Charter Commission is <br />fortunate to have Annette Anderson as Chairperson, and he commended her on her <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />