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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 3, 2001 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Diane Shepard, 817 St. Andrews Lane, Louisville, CO, stated that her home is directly <br />across from the Maurer property. She voiced concern for the safety of the lot itself. She <br />explained that the lot has a very deep slope, which backs up to Dillon Road. She noted <br />that in bad weather, there are accidents on Dillon Road and a few cars have rolled down <br />the hill. She questioned the safety of building on the lot and stated that the driveway <br />would cross an 8" and 10" high-pressure gas line. She asked if the private homeowner is <br />obligated to maintain property over a high-pressure gas line. She requested Council to <br />look at the whole area with respect to Dillon Road. <br /> <br />Ray Schlott, 647 Manorwood Lane, Louisville CO, stated that he represents the Board of <br />Director of the Coal Creek Ranch Master Association, Inc. He presented a copy of the <br />preliminary agreement between the CCRMS and Todd and Calla Lovrien. The agreement <br />addresses maintenance of Outtot E, owned by the City and maintained by the CCRMS. <br />Schlott stated that, contingent upon the final approval of the agreement, between CCRMS <br />and the Lovrien's, the Association supports the adoption of Resolution No. 18, Series <br />2001. The agreement includes protection of the Association and the City of Louisville's <br />interest regarding the continued maintenance Outlot E. The agreement includes the <br />annexation by the Association of the property into the CCRMA, which includes rights, <br />privileges and responsibilities, as applicable to other property owners in Coal Creek <br />Ranch. By annexation into the Coal Creek Ranch, Architectural Control Guidelines will <br />apply to home construction, except where the requirements of SF-E zoning are more <br />stringent as it pertains to building height and setbacks. Schlott stated that should the City <br />of Louisville deny the annexation request, the agreement between Todd and Calla <br />Lovrien and the Coal Creek Ranch Master Association would be void. <br /> <br />Greg McMenamin, 808 Spyglass Circle, Louisville, CO, expressed concern over the <br />development of the lot. He stated that although it is not its intended use, the neighbors <br />have enjoyed the open space area of this property for some time. He stated that the parcel <br />ties into the Louisville open space property and is used by pedestrians. He voiced <br />disappointed that the City did not contract with the Maurers' for the acquisition of the <br />property for open space. He addressed a trail made by pedestrian and suggested that if the <br />home is to be built, an easement be acquired to continue the connection from Dillon to St. <br />Andrews. He voiced disappointed that the Open Space Advisory Board found that the <br />access across the trail was acceptable. He stated his belief that it sets a precedence to <br />allow a private drive to cut across an established bike path. He reported that the neighbors <br />living in the area are very concerned over the driveway crossing over a bike path. He <br />asked Council to consider the thoughts and concerns of the neighbors. <br /> <br />Davidson closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Davidson stated that he visited the site and the area referred to as open space is actually <br />an irrigated park. Davidson asked City Attorney Sam Light for clarification of Resolution <br />No. 30, Series 2001, Section 1.d. "The area proposed to be annexed is integrated with or <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br /> <br />