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schools, libraries and Community Anchor institutions, and to take whatever measures the Board <br /> or EMT deems necessary to accomplish EAGLE-Net's purposes as set forth in Section I above. <br /> EAGLE-Net shall further have the power to maintain and utilize assets purchased with grant <br /> funds and any other sources available to EAGLE-Net. EAGLE-Net is hereby authorized by the <br /> Members to do all that is necessary for the exercise of its powers within the constraints of the • <br /> approved Operating Budget and applicable law, including, but not limited to any or all of the <br /> following: hiring employees or consultants, entering into contracts, acquiring, holding or <br /> disposing of property, providing broadband services, incurring debts, liabilities, or obligations <br /> within the limits of any applicable law required by the exercise of these powers, authorizing and <br /> approving budgets and financial expenditures. <br /> 12. MEETINGS. <br /> A. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Members and Board of Directors shall <br /> be in August of 201 I and each year thereafter. <br /> B. Special Meetings. Special meetings of Directors may be called by (I) the Chief <br /> Executive Officer or (2) the Chief Operating Officer upon the written request of a majority of the <br /> Directors or (3) as determined by a majority vote of the EMT. One week's written notice of a <br /> special meeting, and the subject matter of that meeting, shall be given to the Directors. <br /> C. Notice. Notice of meetings of EAGLE-Net shall be given to the Members and <br /> Directors, as applicable, by the Chief Operating Officer at least one week in advance, and when <br /> feasible, the agenda for such meetings, and the minutes of the previous meeting, shall <br /> accompany such notice. Discussion at meetings of EAGLE-Net need not be limited to matters <br /> set forth in the agenda. <br /> D. Executive Sessions. All meetings shall be open to the public as provided in the <br /> Colorado Open Meetings Law, C.R.S. 24-6-401 et seq., or any successor statute thereto, unless a <br /> two-thirds majority of the Board votes to hold a closed executive session for the purposes, and in <br /> accordance with the procedures, set forth in the Open Meetings Law or any successor statute <br /> thereto. <br /> E. Type of Meetings. Meetings shall be either in person, via telephone conference, • <br /> webinar, or similar manner that allows for all participants to interact with each other in real time. <br /> 13. NEW MEMBERS. After the effective date of this Agreement, additional <br /> governmental entities may become Members of EAGLE-Net upon execution of this Agreement <br /> EAGLE-Net <br /> Intergovernmental Agreement <br /> Revised 1/17/12 <br /> Page 7 <br />