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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 25, 2012 <br />Page 7 of 13 <br /> <br />McMillan stated the traffic engineer should answer the question. <br />O’Connell inquired how the need for a deceleration lane would be determined and <br />who would build and pay for the lane. <br />McMillan stated the determination and building would be done by the Public Works <br />Department. <br />Lipton asked if there was cost estimate. <br />McMillan stated no. <br />Russell asked where the diagonal parking and surface lots are located. <br />McMillan illustrated with a power point slide. <br />Russell asked if is reasonable to include all parking on the entire lot as meeting the <br />parking requirement. <br />McMillan stated it probably is not reasonable because most people will not walk the <br />full length of the lot. However, the entire lot could be used as overflow. <br />Lipton asked what distance will most people walk. <br />Russ stated the distance is 320’. <br />Russell stated that Alfalfa’s generally provides parking for electric cars and he does <br />not see that type of parking being provided. <br />McMillan stated is has not been identified on the site plan. <br />Lipton asked if the shopping cart corrals are in the parking area. <br />McMillan stated they are not shown on the site plan. <br />NOTE: <br /> Tengler arrived at 7:12 PM. <br />Lipton asked questions regarding the fiscal analysis, specifically asked if the capital <br />of the project has been increased by this new proposal. <br />McMillan stated yes. <br />Russell asked if the BAP fund awarded by City Council to Alfalfa’s would have a <br />direct impact on the financial numbers. <br />Aaron DeJong, Economic Development Director, stated the financial analysis does <br />not include the BAP monies. <br />Russell asked to what purpose is the analysis useful. <br />Russ stated the two were deliberately separated to address the Comp Plan <br />requirements. <br />Lipton asked if there is a guarantee that Alfalfa’s is coming. <br />DeJong stated there is no guarantee they are coming. <br />Chris Lundzinger, EPS, explained what is included in the annual expenditures, how <br />the ongoing capital is earmarked and how the rest goes to the general fund. <br />Applicant Presentation <br /> <br />