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The subject property is an alley loaded single family home located on a corner lot. The <br />image below from the Takoda PUD demonstrates fences may not exceed four feet tall <br />adjacent to local and collector streets on alley loaded single family homes on corner lots. <br /> <br /> <br />The applicant has applied for a variance to this requirement to construct a six foot privacy <br />fence on the east side of their home adjacent to Kaylix Avenue. The east side of the home <br />is setback nine feet from the property line and elevated approximately two feet above the <br />sidewalk. The home includes a sliding patio door which accesses a concrete landing. The <br />applicant desires to put a 6 foot tall fence adjacent to the sidewalk in this location to <br />provide some privacy from the road and the proposed commercial land uses to the east. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2