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■ 4701 SANGAMORE ROAD I SUITE S240 I BETHESDA I MD 20816 <br /> IiscIhlIerBuse T: 800.424.4318 I F: 301.320.4860 <br /> Fiscal,Economic& Planning Consultants 300 UNO LAGO DRIVE I SUITE 405 I NORTH PALM BEACH I FL 33408 <br /> T: 800.424.4318 I F: 301.3 20.4860 <br /> W W W.TISCHLERBISE.COM <br /> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> The City of Louisville, Colorado, engaged TischlerBise to modify the City's fiscal impact model (not <br /> developed by TischlerBise) to more accurately assess potential cost savings associated with infill land <br /> use development. The model allows the City to analyze on-going fiscal impacts of development and <br /> growth-related policies. (It should be noted that TischlerBise did not develop the model structure, nor <br /> the cost/revenue projection methodologies.) <br /> A fiscal impact evaluation analyzes revenue generation, operating costs, and capital costs associated <br /> with the provision of public services and facilities necessary to serve new development across five land <br /> use categories - single family residential, multi-family residential, retail, industrial, and office. It includes <br /> all direct revenues and costs associated with new development. <br /> During the 2012 process to update the City's Comprehensive Plan a land use scenario was developed to <br /> help frame the implications of a 20-year development plan. Included in the scenario was net new infill <br /> and greenfield units/square footage for each land use category. <br /> The City's modified fiscal impact model uses municipal trends to calculate the costs of new greenfield <br /> development, and applies cost adjustment factors, developed by the City of Louisville, to calculate the <br /> costs associated with new infill development. The City's fiscal impact model was modified to allow the <br /> City to account for: <br /> • Different Assessed Value and Impact Fee Assumptions for infill and greenfield land uses; <br /> • Cost Adjustment (Savings) Factors to the Annual Operating Costs, and to the Estimated Current <br /> Value of Capital Costs; <br /> • Distribution of Property Tax collected (by land use and location) to the General Fund and Urban <br /> Renewal Authority; <br /> • Operating Revenue and Operating Expenditures collected by land use and location; <br /> • Revenue for Capital Improvements generated by each land use and location; <br /> • Capital Expenditures estimates by land use and location. <br /> The summary of findings enclosed herein uses land use data and fiscal impact assumptions provided by <br /> the City. Figure 1, on the following page, shows the existing land use for the City of Louisville, Colorado. <br /> • Fiscal Impact Analysis• Impact Fees•Economic Impacts•Infrastructure Financing•Market and Financial Feasibility• Fiscal Software• <br />