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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 2, 2013 <br />Page 4 of 22 <br />water testing satisfies the EPA's standards, but the water taste and odor issues are <br />significant and the City is taking steps to address those issues. <br />He reported on the following summer construction projects: Repaving McCaslin <br />Boulevard and Spruce Lane; sewer main replacement along County Road; median <br />repair work on South Boulder Road at Highway 42. All the City's summer projects and <br />dates can be found on the City's Web Site. <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br />PROCLAMATION FOR RELAY FOR LIFE <br />Mayor Muckle read the proclamation, which proclaimed August 2nd a Relay for Life day <br />in the City of Louisville. The American Cancer Society will hold its annual Relay for Life <br />of East Boulder County on August 2 at Monarch High School. They are sponsoring a <br />"Paint the Town Purple" event to raise cancer awareness in conjunction with the July <br />12th Street Faire. Large purple ribbons will be placed on the street posts of Main, <br />Spruce and Walnut Streets, which lead to the Street Faire. The event will line those <br />streets' sidewalks with luminaries (paper bags with a battery- powered electric light). <br />Denise Bruder, Event Chair of the Relay for Life of East Boulder County, accepted the <br />proclamation. She invited everyone to attend the event and to join a team. <br />SISTER CARMEN GRANT RECIPIENT PRESENTATION <br />Mayor Muckle explained the City of Louisville has a non - profit grant program. This year <br />grant recipients were asked to present an overview of the program and how the City's <br />grant has impacted their organization. <br />Sister Carmen Community Center is a City of Louisville 2013 Grant Recipient. Joel <br />Sayre, Sister Carmen Development Associate presented a brief overview of the non- <br />profit and how the grant has impacted the organization. He stated when most people <br />think about Sister Carmen, they think of a thrift store and the food bank. He stated <br />Sister Carmen is Boulder County's only family resource agency. They coordinate a <br />variety of activities including transportation assistances and prescription assistance. <br />They help people to gain the skills to get out of poverty. In 2012 Sister Carmen direct <br />assistance to the community was over 2 million dollars. <br />IMAGINE FOUNDATION GRANT RECIPIENT PRESENTATION <br />Imagine! Foundation is a City of Louisville 2013 Grant Recipient. Fred Hobbs, Imagine! <br />Foundation Director of Public Relations presented a brief overview of the non - profit and <br />how the grant has impacted the organization. He explained Imagine serves people with <br />disabilities. In 2012 over 2,800 individuals were assisted in the communities in Boulder <br />