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Preliminary PUD, and LMC amendment for the DELO Subdivision with the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Negotiations for the right of way extension through the Tebo property shall be <br />completed prior to the submittal of the final planned unit development (PUD) <br />plan. <br />2. Turning templates, illustrating all corners are navigable, shall be provided by the <br />applicant and approved by City Staff prior to submittal of the final PUD plan. <br />3. All street width and street design details shall be finalized prior to submittal of the <br />final PUD plan. <br />4. The applicant shall demonstrate the following architectural details for the <br />residential buildings along Cannon Street at Final PUD: <br />a. Horizontal Variation <br />i. Vary the horizontal plane of a building to provide visual interest and <br />enrich the pedestrian experience, while contributing to the quality <br />and definition of the street wall. <br />ii. Horizontal variation should be of an appropriate scale and reflect <br />changes in the building function, structure, and materials. <br />iii. Avoid extensive blank walls that would detract from the experience <br />and appearance of an active streetscape. <br />iv. Provide well- marked public and private entrances to cue access <br />and use through compatible architectural and graphic treatments. <br />v. Provide operable doors and windows on the ground floor street <br />front of buildings <br />vi. Main residential building entrances should read differently from <br />retail storefronts, restaurants, and commercial entrances. <br />b. Vertical Variation <br />i. Employ a different architectural treatment on the ground floor <br />facade than on the upper floors, and feature high quality materials <br />that add scale, texture and variety at the pedestrian level. <br />ii. Vertically articulate the street wall facade, establishing different <br />treatment for the building's base and upper floors <br />iii. Use balconies, fenestration, or other elements to create an <br />interesting pattern of projections and recesses. <br />iv. Provide an identifiable break between the building's ground floors <br />and upper floors. This break shall include a change in material, <br />change in fenestration pattern or similar means. <br />v. Provide more fenestration on the ground floor than upper floors. <br />5. The project shall include fire sprinklers throughout all buildings, in accordance <br />with a City and Fire District approved plan. <br />6. The privately owned and maintained streets shall be subject to perpetual <br />easements for public parking and public access at all times. <br />Resolution No. 42, Series 2013 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />