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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />June 18, 2002 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Davidson called for City Attorney introduction. <br /> <br />City Attomey Sam Light read Ordinance No. 1377, Series 2002. <br /> <br />Davidson called for Staff introduction. <br /> <br />Planning Director Paul Wood reviewed Ordinance No. 1377, Series 2002, which <br />proposes to provide for administrative process to extend the length of PUD development <br />plans. He noted that the Municipal Code provides a 36-month timeline on Final <br />Development Plans for Commercial and Industrial PUDs. Ordinance No. 1377 would <br />allow a one-time additional 36-months. He noted that the Planning Commission reviewed <br />this matter and favored a one-year extension and requested that Staff survey nearby <br />municipalities. The survey noted differences in the structure of zoning codes and PUD <br />regulations of jurisdictions, therefore making it difficult to draw parallel for comparison. <br />The general consensus of the Commission was concern with the length of the extension. <br />It was their opinion that a total of six years would be a long period to grant approval of a <br />PUD. The Commission recommended approval of Ordinance No. 1377, Series 2002, <br />with a formal public notice and comment period. Wood stated that two versions of <br />Ordinance No. 1377, Series 2002 were submitted to Council; one without the public <br />comment period and the second incorporates a public notice and comment period. He <br />noted that in 1999, Council approved 40 PUDs and only two have not been substantially <br />completed. One is the Love Associates proposal at 841 Front Street, and the second is the <br />American Variseal in The Park at CTC. Wood explained that the American Variseal <br />PUD was voided by the approval of the Eldorado Springs project on the same property. <br /> <br />Davidson opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak for or against <br />Ordinance No. 1377, Series 2002. <br /> <br />Nancy Love, 841 Front Street, Louisville, CO, representing herself and the Downtown <br />Business Association, explained that her PUD expired on March 2, 2002. She requested <br />that, in light of the Ordinance No. 1377 and the downtown-parking ordinance, her PUD <br />be grand fathered in. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br /> <br />Davidson asked City Attorney Light if Love's expired PUDs would be exempt from the <br />ordinance. Light stated that requests filed prior to their expiration date would be <br />honored, regardless of the filing date. He suggested adding language that would <br />specifically state "requests for extension filed prior to the effective date of this ordinance <br />would not be subject to that provision," in that respect, a pending application would not <br />be penalized. <br /> <br />Sisk suggested that Council avoid conflicting ordinances and recommended that verbal <br />requests made to the City Manager's office be honored as part of the ordinance, but still <br />be subject to the administrative review provision. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />