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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Nlinutes <br />November 19, 2013 <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />Mark Zaremba stated the purpose for the tax is to preserve the buildings, but it is <br />"dumb" to landmark without knowing what you are going to get when you landmark. He <br />is interested in preserving his structure but would like to know what he is getting into <br />and what he would be getting if he landmarked. He believes the incentive resolution <br />addresses these issues. <br />Koertje does not believe "preliminary" is a good word, it should be changed. He <br />believes paragraph D does not make sense and he will not be voting for it as written. <br />He believes paragraph E makes sense and he agrees with it as written. <br />Stewart inquired whether Ballot 2A allows for surveying and engineering as a cost. <br />Koertje stated it does but they are part of the incentive program. <br />La Grave inquired whether the survey constitutes an incentive. He added he would like <br />to see Section 2E re- worked so that the request for a building assessment is reviewed <br />by the commission and not released at subcommittee. <br />Haley stated she believed a full commission meeting should be done as well. <br />La Grave made a motion to continue the resolution for staff to rework Section 2E for the <br />desire to have a building assessment be approved by the commission instead of a <br />subcommittee. <br />Stewart asked if he would remove the word "continue" and allow the modified resolution <br />to go forward to City Council. <br />Watson asked if they could restrict the process to commercial and not residential. <br />Stewart recommended keeping it for both requests. <br />Koetrje agreed. <br />Motion approved 5 to 1 by voice vote. <br />Discussion — Mine Markers <br />Stewart asked this item to be tabled until next meeting. <br />Committee Reports — <br />Preservation Master Plan /CLG grant application <br />Robinson stated staff submitted for a CLG grant and staff will keep you posted. <br />Historical Commission Liaison <br />Stewart asked this to be tabled until next meeting. <br />