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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Nlinutes <br />November 19, 2013 <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />Discussion — Commercial Incentives <br />Robinson presented the staff report on commercial incentives. He stated two properties <br />want to use the commercial incentives as soon as they are approved. <br />Stewart stated he has looked over the modifications and agreed with what he saw. He <br />said the biggest discussion item was the process where building assessment funding <br />could be administrative, released at subcommittee. He then added the word <br />"preliminarily" should be "potentially" eligible. He recommended using the language as <br />it is stated in section 15.36. He added the date for the in -kind match, 3 years, is <br />acceptable to him. <br />La Grave recommended including more than 2 HPC members at the subcommittee. <br />Robinson stated it would then be considered a formal meeting which would require <br />posting. He said it isn't impossible but it would take more coordination. <br />Stewart stated he likes the idea of having more transparency at these subcommittee <br />meetings. <br />Koertje stated he would recommend just having a public hearing and have it at the <br />monthly meeting. <br />Fasick stated she liked the idea of having the item come to a formal meeting. <br />Stewart then asked if the commission recommended the item going to City Council. <br />Koertje stated Ballot 2A requires any funding to go to City Council. <br />Watson stated maybe the residential can be released at subcommittee but commercial <br />require a formal review approved by City Council. <br />Erik Hartronft stated this is a great first step, but he doesn't think it goes far enough. He <br />stated commercial property owners will be reluctant to accept all of the conditions <br />without knowing what they are going to granted as an incentive once they landmark. He <br />recommended a contingent grant and incentive program. He stated the grant process is <br />what limits the amount of applications received. <br />Stewart believes the change puts the building assessment ahead of landmarking and <br />sets up expectations of where the grant money would go if the structure is landmarked. <br />Watson inquired about paragraph D, In -Kind matching. He inquired if the in -kind <br />qualifies or not. <br />Robinson stated the language requires documentation of costs, but would be excluded <br />for in -kind funding. <br />Watson recommended amending that portion of the resolution. <br />