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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Nlinutes <br />November 19, 2013 <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />La Grave stated the true question is to use State funding which would require us to listen to <br />them or use our local funding and do what we want. He inquired where Council stands on this. <br />Koertje stated you can't fix asbestos, correct. <br />Crissler said you are correct but you can buy replicas. The problem with asbestos shingles is <br />they last a very long time. She stated the State said the broken asbestos shingles can be <br />replaced by replicas. <br />Koertje asked if they are a safety hazard. <br />Crissler said they have minimal safety issues unless they are being removed and broken. <br />La Grave inquired if the primary issue is finding a period of significance. <br />Crissler stated it is but there needs to be an adequate amount of documentation for the chosen <br />period of significance. She said you have to prove why you are restoring to an exact period of <br />time. <br />Griffin inquired if the State would take any recommendations of a period of time, such as when <br />the State Mercantile was constructed. <br />Crissler stated they might. <br />Watson inquired how much asbestos siding would need to be removed to have the foundation <br />fixed. <br />Crissler said it would be pretty minimal. <br />Stewart stated the building prior to the asbestos siding is more representative of the period of <br />significance than with it. He recommended the consultant work with staff to justify what a <br />period of significance might be and how it would match the Secretary of Interior standards. He <br />added it would be good to try and get the State to see it that way. <br />Public Comments <br />Jean Morgan stated she has heard this is the oldest house in Louisville and believes the <br />asbestos siding should be removed. <br />Discussion — Kathy Lingo, Jefferson Place Survey <br />Stewart introduced the item and asked staff if they had an introduction. <br />Robinson stated the Jefferson Place Survey was recently completed and Kathy Lingo is <br />here to present the final draft of the survey. <br />Kathy Lingo gave an update of the Survey following a discussion with the State Historic <br />Preservation Office. She gave the following statements: <br />