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Golf Course Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2014 01 21 SP
2014 Golf Course Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Golf Course Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2014 01 21 SP
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GCABPKT 2014 01 21 SP
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City of Louisville <br />Coal Creek Golf Course Disaster Recovery Project <br />Design Development Meeting Notes <br />January 13, 2014 <br />Monday, January 13, 2014: <br />1.) The design -build team members of Kevin Norby, Jeff Mathews and Jeff Cordes met with Allan <br />and Joe from the City along with Dennis from the HOA to run through some initial project detail <br />discussions. <br />a. It was noted that that there is a request for a look at the drainage pattern of the area <br />adjacent to hole #3 that drains from the golf course currently into a pond on the <br />residential area. This pond receives water currently from the golf course and flows into <br />the pond that is part of the HOA property and then drains to a storm drain on the HOA <br />property. <br />i. The City engineer stated that the water is doing what was originally designed, <br />and he will look into the issue some more. <br />b. There was a request by the HOA to install a water line from the City "re -use" water <br />source that supplies the golf course for the use of irrigation within the HOA property. <br />i. There were initial discussions of the pros and cons of using the water for this <br />purpose. Samples have been taken of the current water source to see what if <br />any affects there could be from using this source for irrigation purposes within <br />the residential areas. <br />ii. Dave Moore with AEL has been contacted for a proposal for the engineering of <br />this supply line as a separate agreement from our current Design Build scope of <br />work. <br />2.) Meeting with the D/B Team, City, and GCAB. <br />a. The tree plan was discussed as a follow -up from the on site visit and direction that <br />involved the City Arborist and Kevin Norby. There are two sets of trees to be addressed <br />in this plan. <br />i. Trees that affect playability and turf quality. Kevin generated a tree <br />improvement plan for this today and was discussed in detail. These trees will be <br />treated and /or removed by the City. The plan is to leave the stumps where it <br />makes sense and they will work to remove or mitigate the ones that would be <br />an issue for golf course improvement plans. <br />ii. Trees that were affected by the flood and /or may be safety hazards. These <br />trees will also be removed by the City in the same manner as mentioned above. <br />iii. It was noted that all of this work would be done by mid -April so that there is no <br />hold up with the other golf course improvements. <br />2 <br />
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