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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />th <br />February 12, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Fund itself, leading the board to wonder if it needs to be more <br />proactive in monitoring the use of this fund. <br />3)The need for public transparency. <br /> <br />Ember provided the board with hard copies of text of the tax ordinance itself. <br /> <br />Mike wrote the original letter and the board discussed the comments provided in <br />the agenda by Spencer, Helen, Mike, and a citizen, Joel Hayes, 187 Harper <br />Drive. Mike and Linda both stated <br />Open Space tax, not a parks tax, despite the parks-inclusive language in the <br />ordinance itself. Spencer was of the opinion that we should not presume to <br />guess what the citizens know. Tom suggested that we should vote whether or <br />not we, as a board, believe that the fund is being used in alignment with the <br />intent of the tax. Specifically, he believes that paying parks employee salaries is <br />not in alignment with the intention of the tax. Helen suggested that rather than <br />our making a statement about the intent of the voters, we limit ourselves to <br />providing anecdotal evidence from people who attend our meeting who did not <br />realize, or were concerned that, the fund could be used for parks operations. <br />Mike suggests that there needs to be clear guidelines as to the proper <br />expenditures of the fund and there needs to be a mechanism in place to maintain <br />a baseline fund balance to be preserved in readiness for large land purchases <br />expenditures from the fund that have directly supported open space activities <br />talk more about proportionality or <br />percentages than absolute amounts. The board also discussed the suggestions <br /> <br />Ember spoke with Joe Stevens and he has suggested having two board <br />members speak to the Mayor and the City Manager about the issues in the <br />bo <br />that could improve the letter. The board has agreed to nominate Helen and Mike <br />to represent the board. <br /> <br />Tom made a <br />Helen and Mike to bring this letter, as currently accepted, to the meeting with the <br />Mayor and the City Manager for their suggestions and revisions. The board <br />would then revise the document, if needed, at a future meeting before submittal <br />to the City Council. Linda seconded the motion and the motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />X. Discussion & Action: Trail Open House- Public Recommendations & <br />Development of OSAB Recommendations. <br />Ember presented a map with all the trail and crossing suggestion from the OSAB <br />andPark & Recreation Department <br />looked for any trails or crossings that were accidentally omitted. Then the board <br />identified the six trails, connections, and corridors for staff to create basic cost <br />estimates and a list of pros and cons for. Some of these included: a north-south <br />corridor in Old Town, an east-west corridor in Old Town (possibly along Spruce <br />Street), a trail parallel to Highway 42, a trail parallel to 104th Street, rerouting of <br />5 <br />