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Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 <br />City Hall, 749 Main Street, Spruce Room <br />I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chair Mark Persichetti. Meeting <br />Minutes taken by Jim Bradford. <br />II. Roll Call:(Members present in bold):Jim Bradford, Cullen Choi, Mary Ann Heaney,David <br />Hsu,Claudia Lenz,Mark Persichetti;Justine Vigil-Tapia; Staff Liaison Dave Szabados; City- <br />Council Liaison Ashley Stolzmann. <br />III. Approval of Current-Meeting’s Agenda: The agenda was approved as-is. <br />th <br />IV. Approval of December 18, 2014 Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the December 18 <br />meeting were approved as-is. <br />V. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda: <br />Zero waste: Citizen Tom Brofee, attended the meeting, and talked about the Street Faire recycling <br />effort. Tom explained his role in composting and recycling. The Downtown Business Association <br />(DBA) is paying Tom B this year to head up C&R operation for the Street Faire. <br />Tom indicated that he wanted the LSAB to be “on board” with the effort. A big challenge is that Tom <br />wants two people manning each waste collection station at the Street Faire. <br />Community Gardens: Mary Ann forwarded a letter to Joe Stevens (Parks and Rec) and Malcom <br />Fleming (City Manager). Details regarding the Community Garden is presented in that letter. Mary <br />Ann also sent an email. 2 people volunteers from the Citizen side. <br />rd <br />GOCO Grant: Due March 3 <br /> or August sometime. We should write a grant! <br />Division of Wildlife might have dollars available, too. <br />As mentioned in the letter to Joe and Malcom, we need to decide which parcel we should use. The <br />East site is preferred because it is larger and off the road a bit. We would need a handicap cut out <br />and Dave Szabados can provide those costs numbers. <br />It was suggested that we have a single issue study session ‘Community Gardens.” <br />Energy: Study still pending. Consultant says they now have all data, and then need ot do their study. <br />Delivery date still unknown. Dave Hsu offered to get more involved in getting the report finished. <br />Trash Collection: The 5 year trash collection contract with Western Disposal is up soon. Dave <br />Szabados is working on a new RFP. It would be good to build on what has been done. What <br />additional items could be added to RFP? IE: Nat Gas trucks, Better data packages, could city own <br />bins? RFP will be sent out after next study session, which is next week. <br />City of Louisville <br />Public Works Department 749 Main Street <br /> Louisville CO 80027 <br />303.335.4608 (phone) 303.335.4550 (fax) <br />