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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />June 9, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />McClure said that they want to get enough core infrastructure done as possible with TIF <br />Drainage is necessary but resources are finite. DELO has contributed $250,000 toward <br />drainage to get the first phases off the ground. Planning has been cooperative and they <br />want to move quickly on the project. He believes the money that goes into making this <br />a public amenity is worth it. He said they are ready to start in August and would like to <br />fund the bonds. <br /> <br />Commissioner Gorsevski <br />they will be there long term. The property is a fiber optic hub. He feels strongly <br />Comcast will cooperate. <br /> <br />Brew said the project may need to be value engineered. Wants to make sure the <br />agreement allows for flexibility. <br /> <br />Chair Becker feels regional detention has been thrown in because there is more money. <br /> <br />Brew is fine with contributing $350,000 toward the $600,000 <br /> <br />Attorney Light asked if they get to bond issuance and can only get a portion of the Bond <br />cap, what will the priorities be? Brew responded that the subdivision agreement will <br />spell that out. They will either scale back or contribute their own funds <br /> <br />Commissioner Menaker said it is critical that the Woonerf be built. He would like that <br />contractually obligated and designed to the highest possible level. He said the Comcast <br />property work needs to be done. He does not want the Regional Detention to <br />jeopardize the project. He feels the utilities under the townhomes are a develop cost, <br />not urban renewal. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fisher said he was struggling to get a comfort level with an additional <br />$500,000 <br /> <br />DeJong said he will ask Council <br />Why upsize the regional detention <br />How will we pay for it? <br />Will go to existing property owners <br />Commit fund balance <br />Will put together an IGA <br /> <br />Commissioner Tofte asked what percentage of the core area the regional detention <br />would serve? DeJong replied 100%. <br /> <br />Commissioner Lathrop said he is ok with Comcast and the regional detention they go <br />hand in hand. He is troubled by the utilities to the townhomes. The developer should <br />put those in and dedicate them to the City. <br />