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Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 18, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />• Community input is critical in this effort. What is the best way to reach the citizens? Another <br />survey? <br />• Provide information on the website? <br />• Once a roadmap is created, what is the course to implementation? <br />IX. Community Gardens Update: <br />• Mary Ann presented results of City Council Study Session conducted on June 10. She said it <br />went very well. Troy said there is a need to do a special use review due to agriculture use. <br />The reason for this is it gives public opportunity to comment on this new use of land. <br />• Once application is completed, it must go to the planning commission and is on the October <br />agenda. <br />• $1Q000 ballpark fee for water tap. This may be less depending on how far the water must <br />travel. <br />• Discussion of GOCO grant is due in August for their fall session of grant distribution. Angie has <br />the task of submitting the application with GOCO and Kirk offered to help in this regard. <br />• Ashley suggested that we should talk to Open Space Board. Mary Ann offered to do this. <br />• Joe Stevens with Parks and Recreation is positive about the garden and has offered his help. <br />X. Discussion of agenda items for July 2014 meeting <br />• Sustainability Roadmap <br />• Fluoridation <br />• Baseline Energy Study (read out of City Council Study Session) <br />• Street Light presentation — need to schedule this for a future meeting (continued from May <br />agenda) <br />XI: Adjourn: We adjourned at approximately 8:06 pm. <br />