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Historic Preservation Commission Agenda and Packet 2014 07 21
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Historic Preservation Commission Agenda and Packet 2014 07 21
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HPCPKT 2014 07 21
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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Nlinutes <br />June 16, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />Mark Brunner, 925 Lafarge, presented. He stated he is working on improving his house on a <br />step by step process and stated the windows are first because he was told they were beyond <br />repair. He stated they are single panes and the double hung do not stay up on their own. He <br />is looking towards having a more energy efficient house. He stated the next thing they are <br />looking to add are gutters and pinning the rock foundation. <br />Discussion ensued on the existing windows and the replacement windows. <br />Watson recommended looking for replacement windows that look like the original. <br />Stewart asked if they had received any bids for restoration. <br />Brunner stated no but he stated the intent is to match what is on the house today. <br />Stewart asked if there were any photographic images of what the windows looked like prior to <br />1948. <br />Brunner stated he didn't have any and neither did the museum. <br />Watson asked what was the oldest casing found. <br />Robinson showed photos from the staff report and it was not conclusive, even though ogee <br />details were found. <br />Stewart asked what the window replacement process involved and wondered if there would <br />need to be removal of siding. <br />Brunner stated they will take out the entire frame and remove siding on both sides of the <br />window. <br />Robinson stated he found a period of significance in the 2000 survey which stated 1897 to <br />1950. <br />Watson worried about not having photos prior to 1948. He would like to have a piece of casing <br />from the period of significance and try to replicate it. <br />Stewart stated he agreed with Watson and thought there needed to be clarity on the dates of <br />the windows and the siding. He stated he is not against replacing the window with a like <br />widow but wonders if a wood window is more appropriate than a vinyl window. He <br />recommended a continuance to further the research. <br />Watson stated Brunner mentioned about jacking up the house and would recommend doing <br />that before the windows are to be replaced. <br />Brunner commented the windows are most important. <br />La Grave stated he agrees with Stewart and Watson. He recommends a continuance be <br />placed on this request and suggested a subcommittee be created to work on this project. <br />
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