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<br /> <br />Commission Questions: <br /> <br />Commissioner Lipton asked that with the approval of the annexation request they are also <br />approving the 27 units? <br /> <br />Paul Wood stated that the density issue will be a subsequent matter that will be addressed initially <br />in the Annexation Agreement by the Applicant. The density issue is not before the Planning <br />Commission at this time. It is a matter only of placing a zoning on the property at this time. <br /> <br />Applicant Presentation: <br /> <br />Nancy Blackwood deferred to the Board as to if they have any questions to ask of her at this time. <br /> Ms. Blackwood stated that if recommendation of approval of the annexation were made to the <br />Council they would then proceed to work with Paul to prepare an Annexation Agreement. After <br />City Council they would then look forward to processing the PUD. <br /> <br />Commission Questions: <br /> <br />Chairman Boulet asked if they are still proceeding requesting RRR Zoning, not the PCZD-R that <br />was in the Annexation Petition. Ms. Blackwood stated that was correct. <br /> <br />Members of the Public: <br /> <br />Mary Deany who spoke at the November 9, 1999 hearing regarding the traffic issue on Dillon <br />Road, wanted to reiterate that she is not against the development. She would have a problem if <br />the development were done without doing something with the curve on Dillon Road that is on <br />that property. She feels that the curve is an accident waiting to happen and would like to see <br />something done with it now. <br /> <br />Chairman Boulet responded that at a later point in time when the PUD comes through and design <br />issues are being dealt with, that is the time when something can be done about straightening out <br />the road. Boulet is not sure that this is within this property and can be dealt with as part of the <br />PUD for this property, or if it is something that can be raised at the time and hopefully the City <br />can negotiate something at the time that is appropriate for the development in that area. <br /> <br />Commission Questions: <br /> <br />Commissioner McAvinew asked whether the Annexation Agreement is still incomplete. Mr. <br />Wood responded that it is not complete at this time. McAvinew asked if they approved it tonight <br />what the chances of going through the same thing again would be. Mr.Wood stated that the <br />st <br />Annexation Agreement discussed before February 1. If it cannot proceed it will probably be <br />back again. Mr. Wood is confident that there will be an Annexation Agreement presented to City <br /> <br /> 3 <br /> <br />