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<br />None. <br /> <br />Applicant Presentation: <br /> <br />th <br />Michael Diehl, Principal Agent for Public Service Company of Colorado, 550 15 Street, Suite <br />700, Denver, Colorado 80202. Mr. Diehl stated that if they were going to maintain the existing <br />height of the line, they would have to add 11 poles. In his letter he had indicated 22 poles, it is <br />actually 11 poles. If they use a single steel pole to replace all of the existing structures they would <br />need 22 single steel poles along the right-of-way. Mr. Diehl submitted two graphics, one showing <br />the 11 new structures if they went with the H-frames and one graphic showing where the 22 new <br />structures would be located if they use a single steel pole. (The two graphics were entered into <br />the record.) Mr. Diehl also submitted a palette of colors that might be applied to the structures. <br /> <br />Members of the Public: <br /> <br />Carrie DeGraw, 741 Orchard Drive, Louisville, CO 80027. Ms. DeGraw is concerned that this <br />application is being rushed through the process. She asked what the maximum height of the poles <br />will be and what the additional cost of the H-frame steel as opposed to the single pole. Ms. <br />DeGraw recommended Blue Spruce trees that grow to be about 100 feet tall. The recommended <br />H-frame is the noisiest out of all of the options according to Public Services chart. The proposed <br />EMF fields, at maximum, could be pretty close to what they are if they did not replace these lines <br />at all. She would like to know who will be regulating this. Ms. DeGraw summarized part of an <br />article from the Rocky Mountain News, which stated that high tech companies that rely on <br />uninterrupted power sources and computer and computer industry now consume 13% of the <br />nation’s available power. In 1993 that was only 1%. Ms. DeGraw does not want to see the <br />citizens of Louisville pay for the brunt of the increase for the businesses. She feels that those <br />businesses need to participate in the cost of the power lines. <br /> <br />James Keener, 788 West Lois Court, Louisville, CO 80027. Mr. Keener stated that it seems to <br />him that the only variations of the proposal that Public Service has proposed and the Staff now <br />seems to accept, is the degradation of the community. 1) They want to increase the EMF’s or <br />raise the pole heights so that the EMF’s won’t hit the ground with the same intensity. 2) They <br />also want to take a residential community and turn it into an industrial zone with steel towers that <br />now may be as high as 89 feet. Mr. Keener proposed that the Planning Commission deny this <br />proposal in spite of the recommendation of Staff, turns it over to City Council and see where this <br />goes. He would rather pay an attorney to fight this in court than just roll over on this issue. <br /> <br />Stephanie Rowe, 791 West Tamarisk Street, Louisville, CO 80027. Ms. Rowe is frustrated in <br />that last month they left the meeting thinking that this application would be denied, and as of 24 <br />hours ago, they found the decision had changed significantly. Many people did not know that the <br />decision had changed or there would be more public at the meeting at this time. There has been <br />no mention of funding, nobody looking into any ways of funding this, no discussions with citizens <br />as to if they would like to help pay for it. Ms. Rowe asked if they are just letting the under <br /> <br /> 3 <br /> <br />