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<br />He continued with information regarding hours of operation and that Kelli plans to bring in other <br />leaders for special events and specialized training. The goal is to have the studio operational by July 6, <br />2002. <br /> <br />Members of the Public: <br /> <br />None heard. <br /> <br />Commission Questions: <br /> <br />Robson asked what is driving the July 6 opening date. <br /> <br />Payne replied that it starts another season in the business and the availability of a lease at that time. <br /> <br />Robson stated that the median area might be modified to provide an area for the queuing of vehicles. <br /> <br />McDermott stated that he is concerned about the opening of car doors in the queuing area and that a <br />more protected area needs to be provided. He stated that is concern is not about parking in the lot but <br />in the traffic flow for drop off and pick up of the students. <br /> <br />Kalish asked if the hours of operations would be the same year-round. <br /> <br />Payne stated that they would be. <br /> <br />Pritchard asked who the other tenants are in the building. <br /> <br />Payne stated there are 2 tenants: one sells home office type furniture, not open to public and employees <br />4-5 people while the other tenant is a dot COM company, which is a high end web design business. <br /> <br />Pritchard stated that the concern for the numbers of vehicles coming and going is a projected number <br />and not a start up number but where it will be when at capacity. <br /> <br />Payne stated that the rooms are not designed to be up and running all at one time. <br /> <br />Robson asked where the employees would park, at the far end of the lot vs. the front of the building. <br /> <br />Payne stated there is plenty of parking for the staff to park at the far end of the lot but Ms. Beeson does <br />have a concern for those leaving late at night and their personal safety. <br /> <br />Kalish would like to have a clear understanding of how much queuing room their needs to be for the <br />drop off and pick up of children. <br /> <br />Pritchard asked if it would hurt the time frame of the opening of the studio if the case were continued to <br />rd <br />the 23 so that the Commission could have a presentation by the owner and so she can address the <br />concerns of the Commissioners. <br /> <br />Payne welcomed the possible continuance for the case instead of a denial. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />