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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />April 14, 2005 <br />Page 3 of 14 <br /> <br />proposal, additional language will be added to the Subdivision Agreement stating <br />that additional easements and public improvements may be required at the time of <br />an actual development proposal. <br /> <br /> <br />The Annexation Agreement also states that no further development will be allowed <br />to the west of the existing building on the property. That condition has been <br />specifically noted on the final plat document. <br /> <br /> <br />As a requirement of the preliminary plat, an additional 10 feet of right of way <br />along Empire Road has been dedicated. The applicant’s engineer has provided <br />conceptual design sections illustrating that it will be adequate to install the <br />necessary public improvements. <br /> <br /> <br />The applicant has also dedicated various utility and drainage easements as have <br />been requested by the City’s Engineering Staff. <br /> <br /> <br />An issue of discussion during the final plat processing has been to resolve <br />surveying issues and potential conflicts between legal descriptions of the property <br />and the property directly to the north, which is owned and used by the City. <br /> <br /> <br />The respective deeds for the two properties have a potential overlap along the <br />northern property boundary. There are also several underground utilities and an <br />irrigation ditch lateral in that area, which need to be adequately accommodated in <br />appropriate easements. <br /> <br /> <br />After numerous discussions between all affected parties, including the City <br />Attorney’s office, the proposal presented on the final plat represents a compromise <br />acceptable to all parties. It concedes a portion of the City’s property to these <br />owners, in return for their dedication of a total of 25 feet of exclusive utility and <br />irrigation easements that are needed for the maintenance and operation of City <br />sanitary sewer lines and the irrigation lateral. <br /> <br /> <br />The property is also located within the 100-year floodplain and has been noted in <br />the final plat notes. For additional disclosure, staff is requesting that the note be <br />expanded to advise prospective purchasers that no specific development rights <br />should be inferred by the approval of the subdivision plat – any development is <br />subject to approval of a floodplain development permit. <br />Commission Questions: <br />Dalton asked for clarification of the Annexation Agreement wording related to “no <br />additional development west of the existing building”. <br />Johnstone restated the wording. <br />Lipton suggested that the condition be included until someone specifically asked to have it <br />removed. <br />Johnstone conferred that the Annexation Agreements contains valuable information <br />specific to this property. <br />Applicant Presentation: <br />Jamie Hess, 5757 Arapahoe, Boulder, CO had no additional comments. <br />Members of the Public: <br /> <br />