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The current Grain Elevator is approximately 4,000 square feet and the proposed <br />addition is 1,400 square feet, bringing the total to 5,400 square feet. The proposed <br />addition will be on two sides of the building, the east and west. The existing building is <br />listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is currently vacant and undergoing <br />rehabilitation. There is currently a 3,360 square foot building where the new building is <br />proposed to go, which would be demolished to allow for the new building's construction. <br />The site is located in Downtown Louisville on the southeast corner of County Road and <br />Elm Street. The properties immediately to the north and south are residential and the <br />property to the east is the BNSF railroad. Further east, across the railroad tracks, is <br />undeveloped residential land. The property to the west, across County Road, is the <br />Parbois Place development. <br />PROPOSAL: <br />According to the December 18, 2012 Federal Emergency Management Agency <br />(FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the property where these improvements are <br />proposed is located within Zone "AH" of the 100 year floodplain. The new construction <br />proposed is considered development within the flood regulatory district. Section <br />17.56.200 of the Louisville Municipal Code (LMC) requires a floodplain development <br />permit be obtained from the Board of Adjustment (BOA) before any new land use, <br />construction, or development begins within the flood regulatory district or area of flood <br />hazard. <br />Mil siF e <br />Site of proposed piiqp <br />improvements <br />11'11%7 <br />IIL $101 <br />Flood Hazard Zone "AH" is defined on the FEMA maps as a "1% annual chance (100 <br />2 <br />