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COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 2005 BUDGET TO <br /> Are you interested in the future of your Community? If you are, get involved in BE APPROVED <br /> the Comprehensive Plan. ^ s required by the City of <br /> In March, the City Council initiated a project to complete a thorough ouisville's Home Rule <br /> update to the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Plan is a policy and planning Charter' the proposed budget for <br /> document that guides many of our community's land use, transportation, <br /> open space, and public facility master planning decisions. 2005 was submitted to the City <br /> Other topics that will be covered in the Plan include housing, economic Council on October 19, and a <br /> development, community character and urban design, public utilities and public hearing was held November <br /> public facilities. A housing inventory has been completed as has a market 3. The City continues to experience <br /> study of the area. Those are posted on the City's web site at a reduction in revenues resulting <br /> from increased competition for <br /> Seven "opportunity areas" have been identified within the City. We sales tax dollars from neighboring <br /> believe these areas may undergo change in the coming 5, 10, or 20 years. communities and lower usage of <br /> Northeast Louisville, the South Subarea (StorageTek, Monarch School the Recreation/Senior Center <br /> Campus), and the Centennial Valley/McCaslin Boulevard corridor are three facilities. In addition, slow residen <br /> of those opportunity areas. Some of the land use scenarios being consid teal and commercial development <br /> ered include the addition of medium to higher density housing in the throughout the City has reduced <br /> Centennial Valley/ McCaslin Boulevard area, the introduction of regional overall development revenues. As a <br /> retail in the South Subarea, and the creation of more diversity in housing result, reductions will be made to <br /> options in several of the opportunity areas. some of the programs and services <br /> Alternative land use scenarios have been created for these opportunity provided by the City <br /> areas and have been evaluated to understand fiscal and transportation At press time, these decisions <br /> impacts as well as impacts on municipal facilities, including parks, and had not been finalized, but copies <br /> schools. Understanding the costs and benefits of the alternatives will assist of the proposed 2005 operating and <br /> in the development of a final preferred land use plan for the City's future. capital budgets are available for <br /> The third in a series of public workshops was held in November. Prior review in the City Clerk's office at <br /> to that, over 100 members of the community were interviewed individu the City Hall and at the Louisville <br /> ally or in small groups. Public input continues to be critical to the project Public Library. A copy of the City <br /> and additional public hearings will be held before the Planning Commission Manager's letter to the City Council <br /> and City Council. We strongly encourage your participation! <br /> summarizing the budget has been <br /> If you would like to know more, please visit the City's website at posted on the City's web site at <br /> <br /> You may also send email comments to <br /> complan or call the Planning Department at For further information, please <br /> 303.335.4592. contact Patty Leslie, Finance <br /> Director, at 303.335.4505. <br /> NEW LIBRARY UPDATE <br /> panning and design for the new Louisville Public Library continues.The City Council recently authorized the hiring of <br /> Adolphson &Peterson as the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) for the project. The CM/GC <br /> will assist with cost estimating and value engineering to ensure that the project design and construction will fall within the$7.4 <br /> million budget set by the Louisville voters. <br /> The City staff will also work with the CM/GC and downtown businesses to prepare a parking plan to be used during <br /> the construction project. Upon completion of the parking plan, an application for final approval of the building plans will <br /> be submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration. <br /> Construction on the library building is expected to begin in March 2005 and continue for approximately 13 months. For <br /> more information about the library project,including meeting dates and drawings of the preliminary plans,please visit the <br /> City's website at or call Julie Boyd, Deputy City Manager, at 303.335.4531. <br /> December 2004 - January 2005 I 2 <br />