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Historical Commission <br />Minutes <br />September 3, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />B. John Gstalder offered to donate the Old Louisville Inn neon sign from the 1970's to <br />the museum. LHC members decided that at 10'x5'x1' it is too large to accept because <br />there is not space at the Museum to store it. <br />C. Museum Coordinator's report: There will be a Brown Bag lunch about the making <br />of the Louisville replica presented by Dick DelPizzo on September 4, 2014 at noon at <br />the Library. <br />D. A preview of the replica will be held from 5 -7PM on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. <br />Bridget will invite past members of the LHC, current members of the LHC, the City <br />Council, the LHPC, and others to the preview. The replica will be available for public <br />viewing from 3 -8PM on Friday, October 3, 2014 as part of the First Friday Art Walk. <br />E. As part of the planning for the Museum Master Plan: <br />1. Bridget will organize a tour of the Louisville History Museum and campus to <br />update LHC members on Museum facilities before the needs assessment <br />process begins and <br />2. Interested members of the LHC will tour a local museum (e.g., Golden, <br />Longmont, Littleton, etc.) to get ideas. Anne Robinson will organize the tour. <br />The firm conducting the needs assessment will come to Louisville sometime in <br />October, so these activities need to be completed before then. <br />VIII. Chairperson's Report: DM reported <br />A. The Volunteer Appreciation Event, with about 54 people in attendance, was a great <br />success. DM thanked Bridget for arranging the event. <br />B. La Festa was great, particularly the bocce tournament. The bocce "field" was filled <br />within 5 minutes. <br />IX. Planning for City Council Study Session: DM reminded members of the LHC of the <br />upcoming Study Session to be held on September 9, 2014 at 7PM at the Library. LHC <br />members should attend. <br />X. Items of Common Interest with the LHPC: Paula Elrod reported on news relating to the <br />Empire Restaurant and on the LHPC's outreach program and preservation master plan. <br />XI. Pioneer Award to be presented January 2015 <br />LHC members discussed possible nominees for the award. Nominations will be on the <br />agenda for the next LHC meeting. <br />XII. Louisville History Foundation update <br />A. Members of the LHF discussed the need for new directors to increase the size of <br />the board. Directors should include influential people who can help raise money. <br />Suggestions would be welcome. <br />B. The LHF Board officers are: Marilyn Hunt, President, Dan Mellish, Recording <br />Secretary, and Lynn Koglin, Treasurer. <br />