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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 3, 2014 <br />Page 6 of 18 <br />some Geo Techs done on the property. Staff also worried about the aging of the <br />appraisals and requests guidance from the City Council. <br />APPLICANT PRESENTATION <br />Reid Phillips, 111 W. Cannon Street, Lafayette, CO thanked staff for their assistance <br />through the application process. He addressed the 2013 appraisal and explained when <br />they approached Concord Partners to purchase the property there was an agreement to <br />purchase finished lots, which would guarantee specific rights to the land. This would <br />include the infrastructure and other components. His company specializes in developing <br />in -fill projects by providing the architecture after the infrastructure has been put in. He <br />stated with the mine on site, they felt it was better to take over the entire process. This <br />explains why there are gaps in the initial appraisal and the purchase price, which <br />backed out the infrastructure costs and required more time for the title process. <br />He addressed the mine subsidence, and explained the original developer had an <br />environmental report done on the western portion of the property, which was compared <br />to a study done in 1978. His company hired CTL Thompson, who completed a number <br />of investigations in the Louisville, Boulder and Lafayette area. They bore into the mine <br />to determine the amount of subsidence involved. The results of the investigation were <br />both of the mines collapsed, which provides a very low risk. He noted the Colorado <br />Geological Society recommends a 50' buffer for a mitigated mine shaft. His company <br />will recap the mine shaft and pay for all the mine mitigation. <br />Waivers: He addressed the height waivers for a range of 27'8" to 28'6" which includes a <br />six inch buffer for any engineering requirements. If built as planned the height will be <br />27'2" and 28' for one lot. The FAR Waiver came with the request for a walking park. <br />The side of the parcel is an access route to Louisville Elementary School. The lot size <br />was originally 55,432 SF, with a FAR of 19,401 SF. The plan is to build 16,240 SF <br />homes without garages, which is a difference of 526 SF per lot. He voiced his belief the <br />second story homes would be deed restricted. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Council member Stolzmann asked staff in the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) calculation, would <br />the area for the land dedication be included as part of the parcel. Planning and Building <br />Safety Director Russ responded no and explained he reviews the individual lots created <br />and the unit on the lot. <br />Council member Stolzmann referred to the 55,432 SF parcel. Mr. Phillips explained that <br />is the 1.27 acre unencumbered land parcel and unentitled as it exists today. The FAR <br />at 35% for buildable is 19,401 SF. He explained the land can accommodate 15 units <br />but they are proposing 6 single family homes. <br />